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Solanum tuberosum, mollusk pest, natural product, phytopesticide, diatomaceous earth


Slugs are an important pest of crops in many ecosystems worldwide and in Colombia too. This research aimed to evaluate the molluscicide activity of three Agavaceae extracts; Agave americana, Furcraea bedinghausii and F. andina, as alternatives to control slugs in Creole potato, obtained by two extraction methods, juice and fraction. An experimental investigation was carried out in a field trial at a potato cultivation. Three treatments consisted of the juices of the three mentioned plants at 20% and another three with aqueous extracts of the chopped leaves of the plants at 4kg/10L of water, a treatment with Diatomaceous Earth as production standard, and a control without treatment. The vegetable extracts of Furcraea andina, both in juice and in pieces, got more than 60% of technical efficacy in Creole potatoes with statistical difference with the control and similar results to the standard production witness, Diatomaceous Earth. The treatments that achieved greater stability for reducing damage by slugs in potatoes were the plant extracts of Furcraea andina, both in the form of juice and in fractions.


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2024-02-21 — Updated on 2024-02-21


How to Cite

López Flórez, C. A., Castellanos González, L., & Ramón Valencia, J. D. (2024). EVALUATION OF THREE PLANT EXTRACTS FROM THE AGAVACEAE FAMILY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF SLUGS IN POTATO. @limentech, Ciencia Y Tecnología Alimentaria, 22(1), 5–20.


