Explorations on Culture, Ethics, and Society in University Students from Pamplona
Culture, ethics, society, university students, higher education, social responsibility, citizenship, values, perceptions, interviewsAbstract
This article explored the perceptions of university students from Pamplona (Colombia) on the relationship between culture, ethics, and society. Thirty students (15 from social sciences and 15 from humanities and Spanish language) were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the interviews revealed that students recognize the influence of culture in the construction of ethical norms and in social organization. Likewise, diverse perspectives on social responsibility and the role of education in the training of ethical citizens were identified. The results suggest the need to strengthen training in ethics and citizenship in higher education, promoting critical reflection on contemporary social and cultural challenges. This study contributes to the understanding of the perspectives of young university students on ethics and society, offering relevant information for the design of pedagogical strategies that promote the training of responsible and committed citizens.
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