Environmental management system for the rehabilitation of green areas





urban forests, protection of natural resources, sustainability


It is essential that educational institutions prioritize the rehabilitation of their green spaces. These areas serve not only as sites for recreation and study, but also significantly contribute to the preservation of life on the planet by maintaining urban forests within university campuses. In this context, this research proposed an environmental management system aimed at the rehabilitation of green areas at the National Experimental University Simón Rodríguez, located in Maracay, Aragua state. The study was structured as a feasible project with a descriptive field design, supported by an exhaustive literature review. The study population included 20 workers from the institution and frequent visitors. Data collection was conducted through surveys and questionnaires, whose validity and reliability were assessed by three experts, achieving a Kuder-Richardson (Kr20) index of 0.90, indicating high reliability. The results revealed a significant lack of knowledge and updates in environmental management among the workers, including deficiencies in environmental policies, economic resources, teamwork, interinstitutional coordination, supervision, and compliance with legal norms. As a corrective measure, it is recommended to implement the developed environmental management proposal to promote the recovery and protection of the campus's natural resources. This implementation would not only improve the environmental quality of the university but also enhance the responsibility and commitment of the institution to environmental sustainability.


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How to Cite

Saavedra Peña, F. S., González García, H., & González Francés, C. C. (2023). Environmental management system for the rehabilitation of green areas. CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA AGROPECUARIA, 8(2), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.24054/cyta.v8i2.2878



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