Development of an embassyed multi-sensor system for the detection of incipient failures in electric transformers




Electronic Nose, Neural Network, PCA analysis


The project is based on the development of an embedded system capable of detecting incipient volatile gases in electrical transformers, in order to detect each of the gases that are located there, detailed engineering must be applied for the acquisition and acquisition of data from the multisensory system, this by means of each of the tests that must be applied to the sensors that were used for the sampling, after having done this type of engineering, an algorithm must be performed to classify the acquired data by means of the multisensory system previously proposed and this in order to know what type of gas was detected for the respective classification of them, once each of the previously formulated steps has been achieved, a wireless system capable of providing the information is going to be implemented internal that is presented in real time in the transformer in order to make a constant monitoring for prevent future damages, and with this, implement maintenance systems, whether preventive or predictive, and thus avoid costs to the company responsible for maintaining and maintaining these elements of electrical distribution.


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2023-07-28 — Updated on 2023-05-11


How to Cite

Trujillo Barajas, E. C., Gualdrón Guerrero, O. E., & Peláez Carrillo, D. A. (2023). Development of an embassyed multi-sensor system for the detection of incipient failures in electric transformers. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(41), 50–57. (Original work published July 28, 2023)

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