Didactic strategy towards reading comprehension and trigonometric problem solving through Polya's heuristic method





Reading comprehension, didactic strategy, Pólya's Heuristic Method, Resolution of trigonometric problems


The teaching and learning of mathematics is recognized as a fundamental knowledge for the development of all societies, for this reason, the objective of this study was to design the CAJATRI didactic strategy based on the heuristic method of Pólya for the strengthening of comprehension reading and the resolution of trigonometric problems with the students of Fundamentals of Geometry and Trigonometry of the 1st semester of the Degree in Mathematics of the Francisco de Paula Santander University in Cúcuta. For this purpose, a descriptive study of an experimental and field type was applied, under a mixed approach, which allowed the combination of qualitative techniques and instruments such as content analysis and matrices, together with quantitative ones such as the analysis and presentation of the results of the pre-test in statistical graphs. The results revealed that some of the students manage to understand and answer the problems easily, others do not understand easily but manage to solve some of the problems with some difficulty and others definitely do not understand and do not manage to solve any problem; likewise, the documentary review allowed the hermeneutical analysis of the theories that support the importance and management of reading comprehension in the teaching-learning process of mathematics, identifying the specific aspects that should be reinforced with the Cajatri strategy, to Solving trigonometric problems. Which finally allowed the elaboration of a booklet with said process, which can be adapted for other educational levels and even be applied in other chairs or undergraduate careers within this or other universities.


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2023-05-02 — Updated on 2022-07-18

How to Cite

C. A. Dávila carrillo, M. C. Cordero Díaz, and H. de J. Gallardo Pérez, “Didactic strategy towards reading comprehension and trigonometric problem solving through Polya’s heuristic method”, RCTA, vol. 2, no. 40, pp. 7–14, Jul. 2022.