The Office of the Vice Rector for Research informs all researchers of the UNIVERSITY OF PAMPLONA that the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform is available for researchers who manage publications of journals and institutional periodicals or who are interested in promoting this type of publications. The Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform is a system for managing and publishing journals and periodicals (Serials) on the Internet. The system is designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to the exhaustive management of the tasks involved in editing a serial publication. This system allows an efficient and unified management of the editorial process, with this it seeks to accelerate the access in the diffusion of contents and research produced by the Universities and research centers producers of knowledge. It also seeks to consolidate itself as a tool with innovations that allows full text access to published documents.



    The journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, a renewal of the scientific journal Chíchira (ISSN 0122-9966), seeks to disseminate knowledge in advanced technologies. It serves as a meeting space for university students, engineers, and researchers from both the Faculty and other universities in the country and abroad. Those who have working ties with the University of Pamplona are given the opportunity to publish their research results in areas such as Automatic Control, Automation, Digital Signal Processing, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Systems, and related fields.

    The journal has a biannual circulation with national and international coverage, fulfilling the university's purpose of promoting the exchange of new technologies within the academic and industrial community. The Institute of Applied Technologies Research and Development (IIDTA) is responsible for the successful development of the journal. Its director, Ph.D. Aldo Pardo García, expresses gratitude to the authors, reviewers, and editorial committee for the success of this edition.

    Indexing: Latindex, Publindex, Dialnet, MIAR, REDIB, EBSCO, Google Schoolar, Otros.

    Frequency: Biannual.

    Print ISSN: 1692-7257, Online ISSN: 2500-8625

    Publindex Category: B

  • @limentech, Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria

    The scientific journal @LIMENTECH, affiliated with the Department of Food at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pamplona, dedicated to Food Science and Technology, focuses on the processes of conservation, transformation, storage, transportation, and commercialization of agri-food products. Its main objective is the design of products and processes to ensure food quality and safety through sustainable and environmentally respectful operations.

    We appreciate the trust in the journal and its team. For additional inquiries, the contact email is

    Indexing: Latindex, Publindex, MIAR, REDIB, EBSCO, Google Scholar.

    Frequency: Biannual.

    Print ISSN: 2711-3035, Online ISSN: 1692-7125

    Publindex Category: C


    BISTUA, the scientific journal of the Faculty of Basic Sciences at the University of Pamplona-Colombia, is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge in natural and exact sciences. With a biannual frequency, it aims to contribute to scientific advancement by publishing original research results in areas such as Biology-Microbiology, Physics, Geology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Applied Basic Sciences. The journal is aimed at researchers, academics, and professionals, both national and international, interested in these disciplines.

    It is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that does not charge any fees for the submission or publication of articles.

    BISTUA provides a platform for the publication of scientific and technological research articles, review articles, and letters to the editor.

    Indexations: LatindexPublindexDialnetMIAR, Redalyc, EBSCOBIBLAT, Others.

    Frequency: Biannual.

    Print ISSN: 0120-4211, Online ISSN: 2711-3027

    Publindex Category: C

  • FACE: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

    The "FACE" journal is a scientific publication aimed at advancing the field of Business and Finance within the context of Social Sciences. It focuses on disseminating original, unpublished articles of research, reflection, and review. Although the official language of the journal is Spanish, contributions in English and Portuguese are accepted.

    This journal provides open access to its contents and does not charge any fees to authors for the submission or publication of works. Its target audience includes the academic, scientific, and professional community at regional, national, and international levels.

    Indexing: Latindex, Publindex, Dialnet, MIAR, REDIB, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Others.

    Frequency: Quarterly.

    Print ISSN: 1794-9920 (2005 - 2022), Online ISSN: 2500-9338

    Publindex Category: C


    The RAAAS is affiliated with the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Pamplona. Its main purpose is the dissemination of knowledge in the environmental field, with emphasis on research related to the themes of Water, Air, and Soil.

    The journal aims to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences in environmental matters, with the objective of generating concrete recommendations and agreements for the design of action strategies and collaboration among participants. In this way, the goal is to enrich Colombian scientific knowledge in environmental areas.

    The chief editor of the "Environmental Journal: Water, Air, and Soil" is PhD Jarol Derley Ramón Valencia, who is part of the full-time faculty group of the Environmental Engineering program at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pamplona.

    Indexing: Publindex, Latindex, Google Scholar.

    Frequency: Biannual.

    Online ISSN: 1900-9178

    Publindex Category: C


    The Journal of Physical Activity and Human Development aims to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in disciplines related to this field. It serves as a privileged meeting point for academics and professionals, both from the faculty and other universities with academic agreements with the Master’s program in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The journal accepts papers and advancements for dissemination to the general community.

    Indexations: PublindexLatindex, Google Schoolar.

    Frequency: Annual

    Submission of Articles: Ongoing

    Peer Review: Double-blind

    License: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


    Printed ISSN: 2711-3034, Online ISSN: 1692-7427


    The Revista Científica Signos Fónicos, affiliated with the Faculty of Health at the University of Pamplona, is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge in human communication. It accepts submissions in Speech Therapy, Social Communication, Education, Psychology, Public Health, Occupational Therapy, and related fields. Its goal is to promote open knowledge and publish research, experience systematizations, and technological reviews from the Human Communication Research Group and collaborators.

    Indexations: Publindex, Google Scholar, REDIB, otros.

    Periodicity: Biannual.

    Article Submission: Ongoing.

    Peer Review: Double-blind.

    License: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.


    ISSN: 2422-1716


    The journal "Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria" from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Pamplona has been published since 2004. With the fundamental purpose of disseminating information and original works that enrich understanding in all areas related to agricultural sciences, CYTA serves as an essential platform for the scientific dissemination of research conducted within the faculty and for those interested in promoting relevant topics in this field.

    This journal, published semiannually, covers a wide range of topics and serves as a meeting space for researchers, professionals, and academics at both national and international levels. Based at the University of Pamplona, CYTA promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences, thus contributing to the advancement of agricultural science and technology globally.

    Indexing: Latindex, Publindex, Dialnet, Google Schoolar.

    Frequency: Semiannually.

    ISSN: 1900-0863.


    The Faculty of Education journal "CIE" is investigative and cultural in nature. It will publish theoretical works, pedagogical experiences, and practices in the fields of Knowledge, Research, and Education.

    CONOCIMIENTO INVESTIGACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN is an academic electronic journal aimed at disseminating research in the field of pedagogy and educational practice, within its corresponding social approach.

    Indexing: Latindex, Latin REV, REDIBEBSCOGoogle SchoolarJournal TOCs.

    Frequency: Biannual.

    Article Submission: Ongoing.

    Peer Review: Double-blind.

    Online ISSN: 2539-5289


  • Revista Semilleros de Investigación

    The Semilleros de Investigación Journal, an initiative of the University of Pamplona, aims to disseminate knowledge generated by students and faculty across various disciplines. This space is designed to promote academic exchange and collaboration between novice and expert researchers from both the university and other national and international institutions. The journal invites the academic community to submit their research findings in areas such as Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities.

    With an annual publication frequency, the journal seeks to contribute to the academic growth of research groups, fostering innovation and social development. The University of Pamplona's commitment to education and research is reflected in this publication, which provides an accessible forum for the dissemination of relevant research.

    Frequency: Annual.

    Online ISSN: 2711-3892

  • Cuidado y Ocupación Humana

    La Facultad de Salud De la Universidad de Pamplona con el apoyo del equipo de trabajo representado en los nueve (9) departamentos que la conforman, ha alcanzado Un posicionamiento en la Región gracias a las producciones académicas, científicas y de interacción social, a lo largo de sus once años de existencia; como muestra de esos desarrollos nace la revista Cuidado y Ocupación Humana que hace parte de las emergencias y consolidación de la subjetividad política que han venido adoptando los miembros de la Facultad y que sin lugar a dudas abre sus puertas para convertirse en un escenario de divulgación y visibilidad no solo de los alcances científicos de nuestra Universidad, sino de todos aquellos profesionales formados y en formación que cuenten con producciones dirigidas al análisis, valoración, resolución, innovación o perfeccionamiento del abordaje individual y colectivo en materia de salud.

  • Revista Investigación & praxis en CS Sociales

    La Revista Investigación & praxis en CS Sociales, ISSN 2954-5331 publicación semestral del grupo de investigación ciencias sociales e interculturalidad, su finalidad es difundir la producción académica e investigativa de los docentes y estudiantes de los programa académicos de la universidad de Pamplona, así como de las diferentes instituciones universitarias a nivel nacional e internacional. Desde la investigación social es un elemento de fuerte estímulo a la divulgación de temas del conocimiento en las áreas de ciencias sociales.

  • Revista DIEXPE

    La Revista DIEXPE de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación se propone la divulgación y difusión de los conocimientos en las áreas de la Didáctica, la Pedagogía y la Educación mediante la versión en formato digital, que anteriormente se publicó en medio físico, se resalta el apoyo generado desde la Rectoría, Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, el Departamento de Pedagogía, Educación Especial y Ciencias Sociales y la Dirección del Programa de
    licenciatura en Educación Infantil, igualmente se agradece a los autores de los artículos por su contribución con la misma, a los pares evaluadores, al comité editorial, al comité científico, a los diagramadores, a los asesores y a todas aquellas personas y entidades que nos colaboraron en el logro de nuestro sueño, por las acciones y esfuerzos realizados para que esta edición haya alcanzado la calidad requerida y llegara a un feliz término, los autores de los artículos se hacen responsables de los contenidos de los mismos.

  • Revista Presencias, Saberes y Expresiones

    The Journal Presencias, Saberes y Expresiones (PSE) is an open and peer-reviewed journal that was established in 2020 through the initiative of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Pamplona. It is developed thanks to the joint effort of a group of scholars who serve as professors in various programs within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The journal adheres to internal research policies and regulations, with processes led by the Office of Research and also those led by the Office of Academic Affairs. The publication of the Journal Presencias, Saberes y Expresiones is made possible with the support of the academic community of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, its working team, the Faculty Research Committee (CIFA), and the Office of Research.

  • Basic Health sciencies journal

    The CBS Journal is a quarterly publication in the field of basic health sciences and related areas, with a broad focus on discussing and disseminating results of theoretical studies and practical research conducted at universities, health institutions, and national and international research centers.


    La revista de filosofía de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades Conquiro tiene como propósito fortalecer la labor del grupo de investigación del programa de filosofía de la Universidad de Pamplona y ser el instrumento de difusión de la investigación en estudios de Filosofía, Derecho y humanidades, entre otros, a través del ejercicio pedagógico en las cátedras asignadas a los docentes miembros del grupo, de la Facultad, como de otras Universidades del País y el extranjero que quieran publicar sus resultados investigativos.
    Como el nombre de la revista lo expresa, busca conquistar, investigar e incentivar en todas las áreas del conocimiento la labor investigativa y formativa intentando responder algunos
    interrogantes importantes para la filosofía y para la  academia, por ejemplo: ¿Hay lugar aún para la filosofía en la Universidad? ¿En un mundo globalizado con continuos avances científicos, tecnológicos e informáticos aún se busca con inquietud el saber y el sentido de las cosas? ¿De qué manera la universidad influye en esa búsqueda y qué papel cumple en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje? A pesar de que nos encontremos en un mundo con un notable desarrollo técnico y científico, la sociedad necesita reflexionar de una manera filosófica y definir el valor de la inteligencia por encima de la propia práctica, porque sencillamente la filosofía enseña a buscar el sentido de las cosas, de lo que se hace, de las actividades, de los oficios o profesiones, de la vida misma.

  • Ingeniería, Sostenibilidad y Sociedad

    La presente revista ha sido pensada celosamente para ustedes, los que desean hacer de su pequeña comuna, localidad, región, país y quien sabe, un mejor y más sostenible territorio. Todo aquel prendado de un propósito tiene en “Ingeniería, Sostenibilidad y Sociedad”, a su hogar.

  • Revista Psicología y Sociedad

    Divulgar el conocimiento desde una perspectiva científica, reflexiva y crítica de la investigación en el campo de la psicología y áreas afines, en la publicación de artículos originales y de calidad, contribuyendo a la comprensión de las realidades, así como a la generación de conocimiento útil para la resolución de problemas sociales.

    La Revista Psicología y Sociedad en cinco (5) años, será reconocida por la comunidad nororiental y nacional de Colombia como referente de excelencia en publicaciones científicas; comprometida con la calidad editorial de la investigación en sus diferentes formas, cooperando   al cambio social.

  • Bilingual Research Academic Journal

    The Bilingual Research Academic Journal (BRAJ) is an open-access publication issued twice a year (July and December), focusing on educational research in the field of Foreign Languages, with an emphasis on English and French language teaching and learning. BRAJ publishes current, completed, and ongoing research that addresses issues, methodologies, and advancements in foreign language education. The journal accepts manuscripts from students, graduates, and educators at all academic levels who seek to contribute to knowledge and innovation in this field.

  • Opening Writing Doors Journal

    Opening Writing Doors Journal ( OWDJ),an official journal of the Research Group in Foreign Languages-GRILEX-, is an open-access journal published twice a year (July and December) by the Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages- English-French at the Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia. OWDJ publishes current, completed and in progress research on teaching and learning foreign languages issues. OWDJ also publishes reviews, critiques and articles on other varied areas such as: poetry, short reflections, descriptions and personal insights based on everyday experiences on foreign language classrooms. Accordingly,A,A Opening Writing Doors Journal welcomes papers from authors at all levels: elementary and secondary school teachers, higher education professors and students.

  • Revista Científica del Departamento de Medicina

    El Departamento de Medicina apoya los procesos de publicación de la revista de Investigación INBIOM, que busca convertirse en un espacio de divulgación científica para investigadores en el área de las ciencias biomédicas  a nivel internacional, nacionales y de nuestro departamento, apoyando de una manera especial  a los  investigadores que vienen fortaleciendo estos procesos en esta región, (Universidad de Pamplona, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Universidad de Santander, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Hospital Erasmo Meoz, Clínica IPS Universitaria, Etc.), así como a estudiantes de Doctorado, Maestría, especialización y de pregrado que quieran dar a conocer los avances o trabajos terminados de sus proyectos de Investigación desarrollados en la Universidad de Pamplona o de cualquier otra entidad.

  • Revista de la maestría en ingenieria industrial

    Revista institucional de la maestría en ingenieria industrial