
  • Nancy Jaimes Mendez Universidad de Pamplona
  • Manuel Alejandro Gil Duran Universidad de Pamplona
  • Diego Alexander Jaimes Méndez



Mitotic index, Allium cepa, Meristem


The mitotic index percentage bioassay in Allium cepa is currently used in various fields of science and industry to determine the cytotoxic potential of multiple compounds, due to its high sensitivity, because it is easy to access, economical and because of its practicality in the moment to do it. In the present study, this mitotic index percentage was determined under specific growth conditions of the root meristem A. cepa (growth time of 4 days, tap water changed twice a day, temperature between 20 and 22 ° C to compare it with previous studies and observe the variability or similarity of the results. It was established that the mitotic percentage under the experimental conditions for this trial was 14.92 SD±1.18, which is consistent with reported studies, but there is also variability in the data that may be due to the fact that the percentage of mitotic index may be influenced by the development conditions of the A. cepa meristem such as the type of water in which the bulb grows, the root growth time, the photoperiod, temperature and physiological state of the onion bulb. In conclusion, the percentage of mitotic index obtained presents a minimal difference with other studies, being an effective model for in vitro replication of antimitotic activity.


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indice mitótico


2022-05-02 — Updated on 2022-08-12


How to Cite

Jaimes Mendez, N., Gil Duran, M. A., & Jaimes Méndez, D. A. . (2022). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MYTHOTIC INDEX IN THE MERISTEM OF Allium cepa. BISTUA REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS BASICAS, 20(1), 30–33. (Original work published May 2, 2022)


