Author Guidelines

Submission of Manuscripts:

Contributions are accepted in Spanish or English. Submissions are made through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. For the peer review stage, the manuscript should be in Word or LaTeX, letter-sized pages, single-column, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, maintaining the following minimum structure:

Title (in Spanish and English)

Abstract - Keywords (minimum 3)

Abstract - Keywords



Results and Discussion


References (In IEEE format; include DOI in each reference where available). All references must be cited within the manuscript.

Tables and Figures should be included in the text with their respective titles and numbered sequentially according to their order of appearance. Figures must be of high quality, and if they contain text, it should be legible at 100% page size. Equations should be sequentially numbered.

If the peer review process concludes with acceptance for publication in BISTUA, authors must format the manuscript according to the Bistua Template available on this site; we provide the template in both Word and LaTeX. Articles may be written in Spanish with an abstract and keywords in English, or in English with an abstract and keywords in Spanish.

Types of Contributions:

BISTUA will publish the following categories of work:

Full Article: An unpublished work derived from research that provides new information on specific aspects and makes a relevant contribution to scientific knowledge.

Short Article: A report of partial research results where rapid dissemination is crucial. This is a work of up to 1000 words, with no more than 2 figures and tables, and an abstract not exceeding 100 words. Methods, results, and discussion are presented in a single section.

Review: Represents a "state of the art" on the proposed topic and includes two categories of manuscripts:

  1. Requested directly by the Editorial Committee from experts in the field.
  2. Offered by professionals interested in a specific topic.

In either case, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Submit a request letter explaining why the chosen topic is relevant to BISTUA’s readers.
  2. Provide a brief description of the sections to be covered, along with some key references; also, indicate the expected length and approximate number of figures.
  • If accepted, the review must include an abstract emphasizing the significance of recent findings, a brief introduction to the topic, highlighting past milestones and current developments, as well as other headings in the text to make the reading more informative. The development of the topic is at the author's discretion but should include tables, diagrams, and figures to enhance the text and provide a quicker understanding of the content.

Letters to the Editor: A person, association, or institution provides clarification on a published article in BISTUA, which may contain incorrect information, makes unfounded accusations, or corrects or expands on a detail or topic considered important.

All material proposed for publication in BISTUA will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and sent for evaluation to two peer reviewers. The editors will inform the authors about the receipt of the papers, the reviewers' comments, and the final decision regarding publication. BISTUA reserves the right to accept or reject articles and may make suggestions to improve their presentation. The original files of the articles will remain in the journal's database for up to one year.

Manuscript Preparation / Pre-Print Stage:

Instructions are available in the Word (PlantillaWord_Manuscrito Revista_BISTUA.docx) and LaTeX templates (PlantillaLatex_Manuscrito Revista_BISTUA.rar).