About the Journal
BISTUA, Volumen 1, No.1 y 2 (1982)
"On July 15, 1982, BISTUA journal, an institutional publication, was created. It arose as a result of the pedagogical trajectory of the University, also taking into account the intellectual commitment assumed by the educational community of the time, in the context of the great transformations that were occurring in science and technology at national and international level and that pressed for profound changes in the current teaching model. Continuing to remain isolated from the ever-changing outside world without a written means of communication significantly limited the institutional possibilities for development. The name of the magazine is a sincere tribute and recognition of the institution to the Tunebos, an ancestral indigenous people of the Nortesantandereana ethnic group, located in a rich biogeographic area of the department. These natives identify, within their philosophical and poetic conception of the world, BISTUA as their creator divinity of the intellectual and the biological. ..." Jacid Palomino García (Co-Editor), Alfonso Quijano Parra (Editor), Bistua, Vol. 2, No.1 (2004).
In January 2004 Volume 2, No.1 was published, and from then on BISTUA is the Journal of the Faculty of Basic Sciences of the University of Pamplona-Colombia, published every six months. Its mission is to disseminate original research results that contribute to the broadening of knowledge in the natural and exact sciences. BISTUA is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal, published in paper ISSN:0120-4211 and electronic e-ISSN:2711-3027. BISTUA is open access, with no charge to authors for submission and publication of their work. BISTUA publishes scientific and technological research articles, review articles and letters to the editor. The areas of interest are the following: Biology-Microbiology, Physics, Geology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Applied Basic Sciences.
BISTUA is refereed by PUBLINDEX, Sistema Nacional de Indexación y Homologación de Revistas Especializadas CT+I, a Colombian system for classification, updating, ranking and certification of scientific and technological publications. BISTUA also has free access from the following databases: REDIB, MIAR, DIALNET, EBSCO, BIBLAT, LATINDEX, GOOGLE Scholar.
Dr. Jorge Enrique Rueda -Editor-in-Chief-
Format: Printed and electronic on-line
Periodicity: Semiannual
Peer review: Double-blind
Publication cost: No cost charged to authors
OJS (Open Journal Systems): The content of the journal is open access.
Manuscript submission:
Contrinutions are accepted in Spanish or English. Papers are submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. For the arbitration stage the manuscript is accepted in Word or Latex, letter size pages, single column, double spaced, News Time Roman 12 point font, keeping the following minimum structure:
- Title (in Spanish and English)
- Abstract - Keywords (minimum 3)
- Abstract - Keywords
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Results and discussion
- Conclusions
- References (In IEEE standard; include DOI in each reference if available). All references should be cited in the body of the manuscript.
Tables and Figures should be included in the text with their respective titles and listed sequentially in order of appearance. Figures should be of high quality, and if they contain text it should be legible in 100% letter page size. Equations should be numbered sequentially.
If the peer review process concludes with acceptance for publication in BISTUA, authors should edit the manuscript in the Bistua Template published in this site; we provide the template in word and Latex. Articles may be written in Spanish with abstract and keywords in English, or in English with abstract and keywords in Spanish.
Types of contributions:
BISTUA, will publish the following categories of papers:
Full article: it is an unpublished work derived from a research that provides new information on specific aspects and contributes in a relevant way to scientific knowledge.
Short article: it is the report of partial results of a research whose rapid dissemination is of great importance. It is a work of 1000 words, maximum, with a number of figures and tables no more than 2 and whose summary should not exceed 100 words. Methods, results and discussion are presented grouped in a single section.
Topic review: it constitutes a "state of the art" of the proposed topic and includes two categories of manuscripts:
- requested directly by the Editorial Board from experts in the subject.
- offered by professionals interested in a particular topic.
- In either case, the following recommendations should be followed:
- Send a letter of request stating why the chosen topic is relevant to BISTUA's readership.
- Provide a brief description of the sections that would be covered, as well as some key references; in addition, indicate their probable length and the approximate number of figures.
- If the topic is accepted, it should include an abstract with emphasis on the significance of recent findings, a short introduction to the topic, pointing out past milestones and present developments, as well as other headings in the text in order to make it more readable. The development of the topic is at the author's discretion, but it is advisable to include tables, diagrams and figures that make the text agile and offer a quicker understanding of its content.
Letters to the editor: a person, an association or an institution makes a clarification about an article published in BISTUA, which may contain erroneous information, in which an unfounded accusation is made or a detail or topic that is considered important is corrected or expanded.
All material proposed for publication in Bistua will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and sent for evaluation to two evaluators or scientific peers. The editors will inform the authors about the reception of the papers, about the evaluators' comments and about the final decision taken for publication. The journal Bistua reserves the right to accept or reject articles and may make suggestions to improve their presentation. The original files of the articles will remain in the journal's database for up to one year.
Manuscript preparation / pre-printing stage:
Instructions are in the templates in Word (PlantillaWord_Manuscrito Revista_BISTUA.docx) and Latex, files (PlantillaLatex_Manuscrito Revista_BISTUA.rar).
Article refereeing process:
Articles selected for publication in Revista Bistua, will undergo double-blind evaluation. The Editorial and Scientific Committee will support the designation of the reviewers of the articles; it is estimated an evaluation time of an article between 13 to 30 days. The Editorial and Scientific Committees will support the process of analysis of the evaluations to issue the concept of rejection, acceptance, with modifications or acceptance without modifications. A maximum period of one month will be given to make the substantive modifications.
What aspects should the reviewer evaluate an article?
On a scale of 1 to 5, the reviewer will give a numerical evaluation to each of the 5 aspects:
- Originality and relevance. To assess whether the manuscript contributes something new that has not been previously or exhaustively discussed in the literature.
- Methodology and presentation. The methodology of the articles should always be solid and respond to the questions posed by the authors as the objective of the work, following a valid and appropriate scientific method.
- Discussion and conclusions. Verify that it is not a summary of the results. The Discussion should interpret the results of the study and analyze its implications. At the same time, it should be an exposition that does not hide the limitations or possible biases of the study.
- References. Verify that there are no errors or omissions on the part of the authors, that these are sufficient and that they are properly cited in the body of the manuscript.
- General aspects. Coherence, adequate terminology, adequate writing and correct grammar, adequate title, adequate abstract, presentation of the results.
The decision notified to the authors can be:
- Accepted (rating 5), the article will go through a pre-editing process, after which it may be returned to the author to request that he/she make some formatting changes. Once the article complies with all BISTUA publication standards, it is sent to our Publisher to complete the publication process.
- Minimum or deep corrections (evaluation between 3 and 5), the comments of the evaluators will be sent to the authors (if the Editor considers it appropriate) with the purpose of making the necessary modifications to improve the article and make it suitable for publication. If the authors agree to send a new version, it will undergo a new evaluation process, generally by the same reviewers, although not necessarily.
- Rejected (evaluation < 3), the authors will be notified of the decision not to publish it. If the Editor considers it appropriate and, with the aim of helping the authors to improve their article, the reviewers' comments may be attached, even if the article has been rejected.