Review Procedure

Articles selected for publication in the Bistua Journal will undergo a double-blind peer review process. The Editorial and Scientific Committee will be responsible for assigning specialized reviewers for the article. The estimated time for evaluating an article is between 13 and 30 days. Both the Editorial and Scientific Committees will support the analysis of the evaluations to make a decision on the article: acceptance, acceptance with revisions, or rejection. Authors will be given a maximum of one month to make substantial revisions.

Aspects for Reviewers to Evaluate:

Reviewers will assess each of the following aspects on a scale of 1 to 5:

  1. Originality and Relevance: Determine if the manuscript provides a novel and significant contribution compared to existing literature.
  2. Methodology and Presentation: The methodology must be robust, address the objectives set by the authors, and follow a rigorous and appropriate scientific method.
  3. Discussion and Conclusions: Ensure that the discussion is not merely a summary of results. The discussion should interpret the study results, analyze their implications, and address any limitations or potential biases.
  4. References: Verify that references are correctly cited, that there are no errors or omissions, and that they are sufficient to support the work.
  5. General Aspects: Evaluate coherence, appropriate terminology, correct writing and grammar, suitable title, abstract, and presentation of results.

Evaluation Decisions:

Decisions communicated to authors may include:

  • Accepted (Rating 5): The article will proceed to pre-editing, which may involve returning it to the author for format adjustments. Once the article meets all BISTUA publication standards, it will move to the final publication stage.

  • Minor or Major Revisions (Rating between 3 and 5): Authors will receive reviewers' comments (if the Editor deems it appropriate) to make the necessary revisions. Upon submitting a revised version, the article will be re-evaluated, generally by the same reviewers, although this is not guaranteed.

  • Rejected (Rating < 3): Authors will be notified of the decision to reject the article. If the Editor considers it useful, reviewers' comments may be provided to assist authors in improving their work, even if the article is not accepted.