
    Vol. 23 No. 1 (2025)

    At BISTUA, we are committed to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the promotion of high-quality research in various areas of natural, exact, and applied sciences. Our goal is to provide our readers with innovative research articles, well-founded review articles, and editorials that enrich and foster debate in the following areas of interest:

    • Biology-Microbiology
    • Physics
    • Geology
    • Chemistry
    • Mathematics

    Your findings and research can make a significant difference in advancing science, and we are eager to have the opportunity to share your work with our readers and colleagues. If you are interested in publishing in BISTUA, we kindly ask you to submit your article through our online submission system or to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns. We look forward to your participation in our upcoming issue and to continue being a platform for disseminating scientific knowledge and promoting progress in the sciences. BISTUA is of continuous periodicity, therefore each refereed-accepted article will be published immediately.

    We would be delighted to receive your contribution for Volume 23 (year 2025).


    Dr. Jorge Enrique Rueda / Editor-in-Chief, BISTUA Journal

  • Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024)

    Articles published in this issue:

    • Bat Guano Carollia perspicillata is a source of Nitrogen Cycle Bacteria and its use as fertilizer
    • Efficiency and Spatial homogeneity of the SERS signal in plasmonic antennas: A study at the nano and micro scales
    • A case study of PT pseudosections constructed in the MnNCKFMASH (MnO-Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O) system for metapelitic rocks in the garnet zone of the Silgará Formation, southwestern Santander Massif (Colombia)
    • Microbiological profile of paddy and commercial rice (Oryza sativa L) in the department of Norte de Santander, Colombia.
    • Epidemiological profile of patients with malaria admitted to the Erasmo Meoz University Hospital in the municipality of Cúcuta, during the period 2014-2021
    • Approximation and Simulation of Signal Belonging to the Generalized Weighted Lipschitz Class by ...
    • Power Aggregation Operators in MADM Problems Under Pythagorean Neutrosophic Numbers Based on Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm Operations
    • Bessel polynomials by context-free grammars
  • Vol. 22 No. 1 (2024)

    Articles published in this issue:

    • Effect of Pinus patula (Pinaceae) plantations on soil and vegetation in the Rabanal moor, Samacá Boyacá.
    • Introduction to actinic damage and actinomycetes as a promising source for eco-friendly photoprotective compounds.
    • Real-Time Recording and Reconstruction of Holograms Integrating Optical and Digital Technology.
    • Integral evaluation of unconventional reservoir properties from multi-scale imaging and analysis
    • Another look at the solution of the equations; the modified Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.
    • Effect of cooking method on heavy metal concentrations in Hoplias malabaricus (Erythrinidae).
    • Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Micropropagation Protocol in Two Potato Varieties: Solanum tuberosum (Perla Negra) y Solanum phureja (Criolla Colombia).
    • Microplastics in continental water sources: impact and mitigation strategies from the perspective of agroindustrial engineering.
  • Vol. 21 No. 2 (2023)



    • Glucose and cortisol quantification as an indicator of Stress in the fish Brycon amazonicus (Yamù) after Use of thermal shock and anesthesia
    • Obtaining biological silage from lactic fermentation of fish waste
    • Ochratoxin A cytotoxicity on HepG2 cell propagation
    • Determining risk factors in the transmission of ZIKA virus infection in the municipality of Cúcuta and its metropolitan area.
    • Association between virtual training during COVID-19 confinement and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in medical students in clinical practices post pandemic 2023


    • Chronology of the Bambucá Shale formation and its potential as source rock, western sector of the Neiva sub-basin – Huila, Colombia


    • Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Q-Ideals of Q-Algebra


    • Analysis of hydraulic sectorization in water distribution networks implementing Epanet and iDistritos
  • Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023)

    Articles published in this issue:


    • Quantification of Zearalenone in rice cultivated in Norte de Santander and its cytotoxic effect on HepG2 cells.


    • Calculation of the Bohm potential from the solution of the Ermakov equation.
    • Persistent Foconductivity in strontium titanate fibers, estimation of shallow and deep traps.


    • Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the vein-type Au-Ag mineralization in Quebrada Aserradero, municipality of California, Santander (Colombia): geometallurgical implications.
    • Effect of mining tailings, cassava peels, and rice husk waste on the performance and durability of fired bricks.
  • Vol. 20 No. 2 (2022)

    Artículos publicados en este número:


    • Perfil genético de la paloma doméstica Columba livia utilizando genes asociados al color del plumaje en Cotorra-Córdoba, Colombia


    • Modelo de deslizamientos de tierra usando OpenFOAM aplicado a la zona de Pamplona, Colombia.


    • Acoplamiento molecular de derivados de la 6-(piridin)-7H-indeno[2,1-c]quinolina como inhibidores de la Topoisomerasa 1 y PARP 1


    • Conexidad, compacidad y axiomas de separación vía conjuntos abiertos en espacios bitopológicos

    • Kernels equivalentes, relación dual y aplicaciones
    • Aplicación de una función límite de distribución hipergeométrica negativa en la valoración de opciones
  • Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022)

    Áreas en este número:


    • First record and distribution extension of Agalychnis terranova in the Montes de María, Colombia

    • Evolución Química y Biotecnológica de Moléculas con Actividad de Tipo Auxina: Una Revisión

    • Harina de hoja de bore -Alocasia macrorrhiza- como materia prima en el balanceado para pollos de engorde
    • Estudio comparativo del índice mitótico en el meristemo de Allium cepa L


    • Gas sensor using surface plasmon resonance, a simulations-based study


    • Estudio de la abrasividad de las rocas y su incidencia en la perforación y consumo de brocas y cortadores. Caso colombiano

    • Cálculo y análisis de los mecanismos focales del Nido sísmico de Bucaramanga a partir de registros de la red sismologica nacional


    • Degree, Order and Size of Single-Valued Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Graphs

    • Análisis estadístico del consumo de agua potable residencial en Toledo, Colombia
  • Vol. 19 No. 2 (2021)

    Áreas en este número:


    • Diversidad genética de Rubus glaucus Benth en el municipio de Pamplona (nororiente de Colombia)


    • Iterative technique for generating numerical on-axis holograms of an object on tilted planes using Rayleigh-Sommerfeld approximation


    • Cinética e isotermas de adsorción de penconazole, cyproconazole y epoxiconazole con quitosano
    • Cocción de arroz: eficiencia energética, valor nutricional y metales pesados


    • Desarrollo de un asfalto altamente modificado con polímero SBS a partir de un asfalto base convencional de la refinería Ecopetrol Barrancabermeja 60-70 variando la concentración de polímero
    • Uso de poliurea como material de recubrimiento en prototipos a escala de polvorines para la disminución de proyecciones en caso de detonación
  • Vol. 19 No. 1 (2021)

    Areas in this issue:


    • Methodological tools used to study ecosystem services provided by flora
    • Environmental governance management plan for the relocation of epiphytes before the execution of road works: Vereda “El Páramo”, Pamplonita, Colombia.


    • Cleaner production strategy for the artisanal alcohol distillery "San Vicente", Pastaza, Ecuador


    • RMR and type of explosive: incidence in underground blasting
    • Study by simulation of a radius of action of the possible explosion of a boiler, through the use of an explosive material

    • Influence of initiation systems on the energy delivery of pentolite, PTX-2 and composition B explosives

    • Calculation of explosives optimal load to achieve the economic trituration of concrete and demolition waste (CDW)
    • Increased performance of the drilling and blasting system at the El Lucero mining operation
  • Vol. 18 No. 2 (2020)

    Áreas en este número:


    • Síntesis asistida por microondas de nanopartículas de ZnO y su actividad fotocatalítica: Efecto del Ph
    • Recuperación de ácido cítrico a partir de un caldo de fermentación sintético por medio de resinas de intercambio iónico


    • Correlación entre el flujo vehicular, el PM2,5 y variables meteorológicas, un estudio de caso al oriente de Bucaramanga (Colombia)


    • Análisis del comportamiento de un potencial lineal al solucionar la ecuación de Schrödinger
    • Modelos de ecuaciones estructurales aplicados al análisis de la evaluación del aprendizaje sobre el impacto del ruido


    • Harina de grillo Acheta domesticus: composición lipídica y posibilidades sobre su modificación por medio de la dieta
  • Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020)

    Áreas en este número:


    • Safe or risk? Impact of lead from halide perovskites in the metabolism of living organisms
    • Inactivación de Escherichia coli productora de toxina Shiga en carne bajo condiciones de refrigeración mediante el aceite esencial de Lippia origanoides


    • Estudio de la calidad del aceite Rio de Oro por su índice de refracción asociado con varias frituras
    • Efectos de la presión hidrostática sobre los modos defectivos en un cristal fotónico bidimensional semiconductor con geometría hexagonal
    • Cryptogram steganography method using a JFT optical architecture


    • Estimación del potencial de calentamiento global en un sistema de potabilización de un acueducto municipal en Colombia