
BISTUA is the journal of the Faculty of Basic Sciences of the University of Pamplona-Colombia, published every six months. Our mission is to disseminate original research results that contribute to broaden knowledge in the natural and exact sciences. BISTUA is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific publication, with paper edition ISSN:0120-4211 and electronic edition e-ISSN:2711-3027. BISTUA is open access, with no charge to authors for submission and publication of their work. BISTUA publishes scientific and technological research articles, review articles and letters to the editor. The areas of interest are the following:

Biology-Microbiology , Physics, Geology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Applied Basic Sciences.

BISTUA is refereed by PUBLINDEX, Sistema Nacional de Indexación y Homologación de Revistas Especializadas CT+I, Colombian system of classification, updating, ranking and certification of scientific and technological publications. Category C (2022).