Política de Ética

The publication of an article peer-reviewed by the Journal @limentech, Food Science and Technology, is an essential element in the development of a coherent and respectful network regarding knowledge. It directly reflects the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions supporting them. Peer-reviewed articles support and represent the scientific method. Therefore, it is important to agree on the ethical standards of behavior that all parties involved in the process of each scientific publication must adhere to, including the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewers, the publisher, and society.

As the Knowledge Insights editor of the Journal @limentech, Food Science and Technology, aware of its duties at all stages of a serious publication, acknowledges its own ethical responsibilities and those of its peers. Knowledge Insights is committed to ensuring that advertising, reprinting, or other commercial revenues do not impact or influence editorial decisions. Furthermore, Knowledge Insights and the Editorial Committee of the journal rely on communication with other journals or editors whenever it is useful and necessary.