About the Journal


Focus and scope:

It is an open access scientific journal whose purpose is the contribution and advancement to the development of the area of Social Sciences, with an emphasis on business, accounting, marketing, management, human talent, industrial relations, tourism and technologies, likewise, it focuses on publications of original, unpublished research; reflection and review articles. The official language of the journal is Spanish; however, contributions are accepted in English and Portuguese. It is an open access journal, with no cost charges to authors for submission and publication of submitted papers. The publication of the journal FACE is directed to the academic, scientific and professional community at regional, national and international level. The internationally recognized ISSN code that identifies the FACE journal is registered as follows: ISSN Electronic: 25009338 and ISSN Print: 17949920 (2005 - 2022).

Objective of the Journal:

The FACE journal aims to encourage research, critical reflection, social transfer of knowledge, rigorous evaluation, discussion and dissemination of knowledge with open access in the economic sciences, administrative sciences and accounting sciences, as well as regional studies, opening to the interdisciplinary approach that contribute to the generation of new knowledge in social science.

Frequency and/or Periodicity of Publication:

The FACE Journal since 2015 had a periodicity of a semiannual volume, but from the year 2022 it passed to a periodicity in its publications to quadrennial (January - April, May - August and September - December) and is promoted in a virtual way found is available at: www.unipamplona.edu.co/revistaface.

It currently has more than 200 articles and 400 authors of different nationalities.

Open Access and Digital Preservation Policy:

FACE journal adheres to the philosophy of (OPEN ACCESS) open access to scientific literature, allowing access to information that, published with unrestricted downloading, distribution, copying and printing processes of material, thus ensuring the fulfillment of two fundamental objectives: unrestricted access to information, without economic, legal or technical barriers. The FACE journal seeks to provide a greater global exchange of knowledge, increasing the visibility and impact of the institution and its researchers. Contributors retain their copyright, as well as the right to publish their articles wherever they deem appropriate, the author will not receive any financial compensation and will not support any monetary amount for the publication of their articles. All files are digitized in PDF and by the year 2022 will also be in HTML format.


Articles published in FACE Magazine are subject to the following terms:

1) FACE Magazine with respect to the patrimonial rights that belong to the authors (copyright) of the published works, favors and allows the reuse of the same under the license of use indicated in the CREATIVECOMMONS. FACE magazine and the authors adhere to CREATIVECOMMONS where their articles are licensed under conditions of use and reuse of the contents available to all readers under the international license: Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International.

2) The journal FACE is recognized AURA in its editorial policies related to the exploitation rights regarding the access of scientific articles. http://aura.amelica.org/detalle-revista.html?cveRevista=1458

Fees for sending and publication of texts.

Free of charge FACE is an Open Access journal and does not charge any fee for the refereeing and/or publication process (review, layout, printing and distribution) (APCs). As an Open Access journal, there is no charge for consultation and downloading.


Through the Turnitin software licensed by the University of Pamplona, the journal FACE performs a plagiarism and self-plagiarism check in order to ensure that the manuscripts received are unpublished, the editor of the journal FACE registers the author's document in the online software, generating a report which is sent to the authors with the observations of the referees. In addition, authors and reviewers have at their disposal a set of specific tools for plagiarism detection: https://www.turniting.com

Digital Preservation Policy and Use of Uniform Identifier

The journal of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration FACE, in the good use of the OJS (Open Journal System), guarantees digital preservation; it also assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), guaranteeing a persistent identifier, managed by Crossref. The PKP Preservation Network provides digital preservation services, which for FACE Journal are archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system developed by the Stanford University Library, thus guaranteeing the journal a permanent and secure archive. Each archive is continuously validated with records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself. Archived documents can be found in the LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto. https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/index.php/face/gateway/lockss

FACE is currently supported on an Open Journal Systems platform. Within the self-archiving and archiving policies, FACE is registered in Sherpa Romeo. This journal uses different national and international repositories where the publication is hosted: Dialnet; Ebsco: Fuente Academica Plus, Business Source Premier, Business Source Elite; Redib; LATINDEX. Catalog v1.0 (2002 - 2017). The journal Face has been submitted to 8 evaluation processes to the index Publindex Colombia Classified in C, a category that has been in force until today. The journal Face uses uniform DOI (Digital Object Identifier) resource identifiers in its published articles, which are registered in OJS.

Interoperability protocol

FACE journals incorporate interoperability protocols that allow their contents to be harvested by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters. OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) Harvester path: https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/ojsviceinves/index.php/face/oai

Ownership and Management

The University of Pamplona, is the publishing entity that through the budget allocation for periodical publications sponsored under the responsibility of the Vice-Rectory of Research of the same university. The publication is edited by the Universidad de Pamplona - Colombia. Sede Principal Pamplona Km 1 Vía Bucaramanga Ciudad Universitaria Pamplona - Norte de Santander - Colombia - Telephone: 6075685303, Postal Code: 543057. Web page: www.unipamplona.edu.co domain assigned to the journal www.unipamplona.edu.co/revistaface 

Also read: Code of Ethics and Good Editorial Practices