Glucose and cortisol quantification as an indicator of Stress in the fish Brycon amazonicus (Yamù) after Use of thermal shock and anesthesia


  • Sandra Liliana Martínez Castillo Corporación Educativa Nacional, Grupo de Nutrición y Producción Animal
  • Germán Giovany León Romero Corporación Educativa Nacional, Grupo de Nutrición y Producción Animal
  • Diana Agudelo Castro Corporación Educativa Nacional, Grupo de Nutrición y Producción Animal
  • Emily A Lugo Corporación Educativa Nacional, Grupo de Nutrición y Producción Animal
  • Natali Riveros Corporación Educativa Nacional, Grupo de Nutrición y Producción Animal



Stress, handling, Capture, Brycon amazonicus


Glucose and cortisol levels generated at the time of capture and handling of fish in a Yamú farm in the municipality of Cumaral Meta were evaluated. A total population of 10% of the fish (24) was used; they were divided into groups of 8 fish for handling and minimizing stress, using two methods: Thermal shock and 2. Anesthesia. The samples were taken by puncture of the caudal vein, kept at a temperature of 4º centigrade, to prevent their deterioration during transport to the small animal clinical laboratory of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá, where their analysis was carried out. In the study, three treatments were analyzed: Thermal shock, anesthesia with MS222 and the third was the use of benzocaine. A significant statistical difference was found between treatment one with respect to treatments two and three in glucose levels. No significant difference was found between the other variables studied. However, glucose levels could be associated with post anesthesia recovery and, therefore, with long-term productive parameters.


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2023-09-29 — Updated on 2023-12-12


How to Cite

Martínez Castillo, S. L., León Romero, G. G., Agudelo Castro, D., Lugo, E. A., & Riveros, N. (2023). Glucose and cortisol quantification as an indicator of Stress in the fish Brycon amazonicus (Yamù) after Use of thermal shock and anesthesia . BISTUA REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS BASICAS, 21(2), 9–12. (Original work published September 29, 2023)


