3D artificial vision technology for detecting movements in people with muscular disabilities through a computer application





artificial vision, diverse muscular conditions, educational inclusion, digital transformation, artificial intelligence


This article describes a computer program that incorporates 3D artificial vision technology, a branch of artificial intelligence. This application provides a straightforward way for individuals with various muscular conditions to interact with a computer. Despite the plethora of devices on the market capable of detecting movements and recognizing gestures, there is a shortage of innovations designed to facilitate access and use of information and communication media for people with motor limitations. The results of this application indicate that it is a valuable aid when used in a social inclusion process, allowing individuals with a variety of muscular conditions to participate more effectively in work and educational environments.


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2023-12-20 — Updated on 2023-12-21


How to Cite

Marín Cano, A., Romero Acero, Álvaro, & Jiménez Builes, J. A. (2023). 3D artificial vision technology for detecting movements in people with muscular disabilities through a computer application. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(42), 115–121. https://doi.org/10.24054/rcta.v2i42.2714 (Original work published December 20, 2023)