Good Editorial Practices

Code of Ethics and Good Editorial Practices


  1. Introduction
  2. Editorial Ethics 
  3. Editorial Standards and Processes
  4. Adoption of Open Science Guidelines 
  5. Commitments of the Authors
  6. Reviewer / Referee Commitments 
  7. Commitments of the Editors
  1. Introduction 

This guide provides detailed information on the ethical principles and editorial standards that govern our editorial management process. Our journal is committed to promoting good ethical practices in scientific publication, ensuring the quality of the papers published through a rigorous selection, refereeing and publication process. In our quest to ensure academic and scientific integrity, the FACE Journal adheres to and adopts the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( and subscribes to the guidelines of the Publication Ethics Resource Kit (PERK). In addition, we abide by a Creative Commons license that protects the copyright and originality of published works.

In this context, research integrity is a fundamental pillar in our editorial process, so we reject any form of misconduct in publication, such as plagiarism, duplication of work or falsification of data. In addition, we guarantee the good treatment and confidentiality of the information provided by authors and reviewers. Likewise, our editorial process is transparent and impartial, and our referees are selected for their expertise in the thematic field of the postulated work. The reviewers will evaluate the documents based on objective and constructive criteria, providing observations and recommendations that strengthen the quality of the papers. In this guide, you will also find information on the structure that articles submitted to the journal must follow, as well as the presentation formats and the rules for referencing and citation according to APA guidelines. It also details the commitments and responsibilities of authors, reviewers and editors to ensure an ethical and transparent editorial process. Important aspects to be taken into account are referenced below:  

Editorial ethics: The journal's commitment to good ethical practices is emphasized at all stages of the editorial process in FACE Journal. This includes respect for intellectual property, avoiding plagiarism, redundancy and unauthorized use of others' work. In addition, adherence to COPE ethical standards is mentioned, indicating that the journal follows internationally recognized guidelines; Editorial process: The stages of the publication process are described, including peer review. The importance of confidentiality and respect for authors and reviewers is emphasized. Aspects of transparency, the declaration of conflicts of interest, the use of the  interest and the correction of errors if necessary; Format of articles: Detailed information is provided on the structure that articles must have to be submitted to the journal. The rules of presentation, citation and referencing (APA) are specified; Commitments of authors, reviewers and editors: the commitments and responsibilities to be assumed by the different actors involved in the editorial process are also highlighted. Authors must guarantee the originality of their work and comply with the established standards. Reviewers must be objective, critical and respectful in their evaluations. The editors must preserve intellectual integrity and confidentiality; Deadlines and times: The deadlines for the reception, review and publication of articles are mentioned. It is important that the journal establishes realistic deadlines and complies with them to ensure an efficient editorial process; License and copyright: It is specified that articles are published under a Creative Commons license that allows reproduction and distribution as long as authorship is acknowledged and it is not used for commercial purposes. This promotes dissemination and open access to research in the FACE Journal.


In general, this document shows a clear focus on integrity and ethics in the editorial process managed by the FACE journal, which is fundamental to maintain the quality and credibility of a scientific journal. It also highlights important aspects related to the format of the articles and the commitments of the different actors involved. Transparency in the processes and adherence to recognized ethical standards are key aspects for the success of a scientific journal.

  1. Editorial Ethics 

The FACE Journal promotes good ethical practices, also framed in the editorial policies within the editorial management process of the journal, aiming to ensure the quality of published works through a rigorous process of selection, refereeing and publication, preventing possible malpractices and providing for the resolution of possible conflicts between the parties where ethics is implicit in the authors, editors as well as reviewers. The FACE journal subscribes to the ethical norms of COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics:, and also adopts as a reference the Publication Ethics Resource Kit (PERK). The above references must be respected by those who participate in any instance of the editorial process.  The journal FACE, presents a Creative Commons License registration, within the following conditions: Attribution - Non-commercial - No Derivative: This restrictive license only allows others to download the works and share them with others, provided that their authorship is acknowledged, but they can not be changed in any way or used commercially. 

The editorial journal of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration - FACE is committed to maintaining academic integrity and ethics at all stages of the scientific publication process. Our intention is to ensure a scientific production of quality and useful to all those involved in the editorial process, including authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, associations, sponsors and funding sources. As stated in the previous paragraph, our editorial ethics statement is based on the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which promotes ethical, integrity and responsible publishing. The following is clarified from the perspective of the FACE Journal:

Research Integrity: 

  1. Misconduct and grounds for rejection: We consider unacceptable any form of misconduct in the publication process, including: a) Redundant publication. b) Plagiarism. c) Falsification of data, information or authorship. d) Impersonation and falsification of authorship.
  2. Good treatment and confidentiality: We guarantee good treatment to all those involved in the editorial process through formal written communication. We will not reject manuscripts for reasons other than academic quality. We will respect the confidentiality of the information provided by authors and reviewers, using such information only for editorial activities. Files of rejected manuscripts will be removed from our records.
  1. Timely communication: We are committed to providing timely communication to authors about editorial decisions related to their manuscripts.
  1. Research Integrity: We promote honesty at all stages of research, from conception to open data reporting. We respect the accountability of all research participants and address any concerns or complaints in accordance with our Code of Ethics and COPE guidelines.
  2. Transparent and impartial editorial process: We maintain our editorial, scientific and professional independence. We do not accept grants or permanent sponsorships that may influence our editorial decisions. Our processes do not discriminate against authors, editors or reviewers based on their personal characteristics or identity. We encourage inclusiveness and promote fairness at every stage of the editorial process.
  3. Authorship and co-authorship: We establish clear principles for authorship and co-authorship of papers, following COPE recommendations. Authors should contribute substantially to the conception, design, development and final approval of the manuscript. The responsibility and participation of each author must be transparent and will be formalized with the Letter "Authorization for Publication".
  4. Plagiarism: We reject any form of plagiarism and use professional anti-plagiarism tools to evaluate manuscripts. Papers showing plagiarism will be rejected and a detailed report on the detected plagiarism will be provided, Turnitin.
  5. Duplicity and redundant publications: We do not allow duplicate or redundant publications. Manuscripts submitted to our journal must not be considered, accepted or published in another journal. Authors should avoid self-plagiarism and should report any relationship to previously published theses or papers.
  6. Competing interests and funding: Authors must declare any competing interests that may affect the objectivity or integrity of their work. Public disclosure of financial support, if applicable, is also required.
  7. Libel, defamation and freedom of expression: We respect freedom of expression, but we do not tolerate false statements that damage the reputation of individuals, groups or organizations. We carefully review texts for libel before publication.
  8. Retractions, corrections and expression of concerns: We will take appropriate action in the event of allegations of ethical misconduct or errors in published work, following COPE guidelines.

-Transparency and data: We promote transparency and openness of data associated with research. Authors should maintain accurate records of their research evidence and be willing to provide it upon request.

  1. Record Integrity: We maintain documentary records of published manuscripts and related correspondence. These records will be used in cases of conflict of interest, academic integrity issues, or legal proceedings.
  2. Affiliations: Only one affiliation per author will be allowed. Double affiliations are not allowed to avoid fraud.
  3. Text recycling: The reuse of results, data or substantial parts of a previous publication in a new article, this paper, it is essential to distinguish between legitimate text recycling and plagiarism, in order to maintain ethics and academic integrity.

The FACE journal is committed to following these principles of editorial ethics and to guaranteeing the quality, integrity and transparency of the works published in the journal of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration - FACE. 

  1. Editorial Standards and Processes

The article structure for the presentation of the article is listed below: 


3.1 Title. This should describe the content of the article in a clear and precise manner, so that the reader can easily identify the subject.

3.2 Information on authors. It is essential to include full names and surnames of the author(s), in the order in which they should appear, and their academic background. Also, the e-mail address of each of the authors. In an additional file, updated ORCID for all authors and updated CVLAC for authors from Colombia. 

3.3 Origin of the article. It should be specified whether the article is the result of a research project, thesis, etc. If it is the result of research, the title of the project, the executing institution, phase of the project, start and end date should be indicated.

Authors must present the Abstract in three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English, explaining the specific objectives and main conclusions of the work (Maximum 150 words). The following aspects should be included in the text without subtitles or titles: a. Brief description of the object of study, objectives or purposes of the research. b. Brief review of the theories that support the research. c. Methodological aspects (type of research, type of research, type of research, etc.). Methodological aspects (type of research, procedure used, techniques and instruments) and general results. d. Key words in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Between 4 and 6 words.

3.2. Types and Format of Articles Articles Articles accepted by the FACE Journal will be presented in their structure according to: Scientific or technological research articles, reflection articles and finally review articles. The above corresponds to the classification given by Publindex-Colciencias-Colombia. Within the general structure of an article in the arbitration process, the wording will be taken into account, it must be written in the third person; it is recommended to use accents in capital letters; expressions in other languages should be edited in italics. The following is a list of the sections that should be included in the structure of the different types of articles. Scientific or technological research articles: Introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, and references. Presentation format The presentation format for articles must comply with the following specifications: Format: letter size sheet (21.5 x 28 cm.). Font: Arial Narrow 11 font. Line spacing: 1.5 Processor: Word.

3.3 In the case of relating figures and tables with title and consecutive numbering at the top of each one, in such a way that when mentioning them within the text and the source of origin; on the other hand, the relationship between the writing and the respective scheme is coherent, analysis and interpretation of the data presented in the graphs and/or tables must be presented. Drawings, graphs and tables must be presented in the body of the text and additionally in an attached file in the original format in which it was created (Excel, power point, Word, paint, etc.). Figures and graphs must be cited from the original source and present the written permission of the copyright holder for the reproduction of the material. The number of graphs and tables should not exceed two pages in the presentation of the results. Minimum length 12 pages and maximum 18 pages (longer or shorter lengths will result in the article not being evaluated). APA referencing and citation norms. Brief author's notes (footnotes) with correlative numbering to the text. Complete information in bibliographic references should be presented in French indentation. Bibliography in alphabetical order. All citations made in the text of the paper should appear in the reference list. See Template for submission to the FACE Journal.

3.4 Manuscript Submission

Once the manuscript is received, the Editorial Committee validates and verifies compliance with the requirements established by the Journal in the Instructions to Authors, and once this process is completed, the result is communicated to the authors: Publishable without modifications, Publishable with modifications of substance and / or form in the subject matter of the text, Not publishable. The article can be sent to the Editorial Committee of the FACE Journal through the Open Journal Systems - OJS platform after its registration in the following link: Register

3.5 Verdict:

3.5.1 Publishable without modification: The evaluator considers that the article meets the quality standards and can be published in its current form, without the need for significant changes in its content or structure. 

3.5.2 Publishable with substantive and/or formal modifications in the subject matter of the text: The reviewer suggests that the article has substantial modifications to improve its quality, clarity or scientific rigor. These modifications may involve extensive changes in the content, methodology, results or general structure of the article. The author(s) has 5 working days to submit the adjusted document (conditioned to unpublishable).

3.5.3 Not publishable: The reviewer determines that the article does not meet the criteria for publication. There may be several reasons for this verdict, such as methodological problems, lack of scientific relevance, inconsistencies in the results or deficiencies in the presentation of the work. In this case, the article is not recommended for publication in the journal. It is important to note that these verdicts are decisions made by the reviewers based on their expertise and knowledge of the scientific field. Each verdict provides valuable information for the authors and editors, who will make final decisions about the publication of the article. The format to be used by the reviewer can be found at the following link 

3.6 Conflicts of interest

The documents submitted to the scientific journal FACE, express that the editorial team and peer reviewers will not be able to use the works as their own research. Likewise, the information involved in the editorial management process will be confidential and privileged without the use of advantages for the benefit of the editorial team.  

In cases where the editor identifies conflicts of interest related to his or her competence, collaboration or otherwise, he or she must make a disclaimer and transfer the responsibility to a member of the editorial team.  On the other hand, the editor will formally request authors to declare possible conflicts of interest and publish corrections if interests are disclosed after publication. If necessary, other appropriate actions, such as retraction, may be taken. Authors must fill out a letter DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY OF THE PUBLICATION BY AUTHOR, (Download Letter) after the process of arbitration and acceptance to publish in the journal FACE, this document in pdf format should be sent to the mail by each author, if applicable.

  1. Adoption of Open Science Guidelines 

The Scientific Journal FACE of the University of Pamplona is firmly committed to promoting the adoption of Open Science practices in its editorial processes. Recognizing the importance of openness and transparency in scientific communication, the journal seeks to accelerate the publication of research, encourage the reuse of data and ensure the replicability of studies. Below, we present the advances that we will implement to promote Open Science:

4.2. Data Repositories:

We will facilitate the identification and recommendation of data repositories by subject area, following the FAIR principles. These repositories will allow the deposit of data in a way that makes them easily findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, thus strengthening the scientific knowledge base.

4.3. Transparency and Openness Guidelines:

We will promote transparency in the presentation of results, fostering confidence in research and the quality of scientific communication. The FACE Journal does not apply article processing charges (APC); there are no embargo periods; it is not necessary for users to register to read or access the scientific content published by the FACE Journal.

4.4. Availability of Research Data:

We urge authors to deposit the data used in their research in open access repositories, ensuring traceability, authorship and proper citation of the data and corresponding articles. This practice will strengthen the replicability of the studies, increase the visibility of the research and enrich the impact of the journal. The FACE Scientific Journal of the University of Pamplona is committed to lead the way towards Open Science. These guidelines will strengthen scientific integrity, increase the visibility of the journal and contribute to the advancement of knowledge for the benefit of the academic community and society in general. 

4.5 Data Availability:

We promote the availability of data used in articles through open access repositories. This will facilitate the replicability of research, increase visibility and foster a collaborative and trustworthy research environment.

  1. Commitments of the Authors

The scientific articles submitted to the FACE Journal, must be declared by their authors as original, likewise the scientific article submitted by the author(s) to the FACE Journal, ensure that the work submitted is original and does not contain within the document extensive textual fragments of other published works; in their references and citations must respect the APA standards in its latest version, it is also necessary that the authors confirm that the information provided is true within the process from the beginning of the application until the publication of the document in its entire structure as a scientific article. See format: Article Submission Template Formats

The FACE Journal accepts original and unpublished articles, being unethical, reprehensible and incorrect that the same results presented in the FACE Journal are simultaneously submitted to editorial processes published in whole or in part in contributions to multiple scientific journals. Authors have the responsibility to review the relevant and updated scientific literature in the area of their competence, taking into account the plurality of the different currents of knowledge. 

The author or authors who submit or postulate their work through OJS (Enter | FACE: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales ( or e-mail comité are understood to have read and know the editorial process that applies to the postulation of scientific articles, and are also responsible for formalizing the information of the writers of the scientific article in relation to the level of hierarchy of responsibility for each author, providing: institutional affiliation, identity code, nationality, e-mail and ORCID link. The authors should adjust the observations given by the referees in order to review the document again to make the necessary changes and corrections, guaranteeing the quality of the article submitted.  In case the articles published in the FACE journal are corrected after production and contain errors (Errata), the author must notify and provide the information to the editorial team of the journal to make the respective amendment if necessary. 

At the beginning of the arbitration process, the authors are obliged to send a letter signed by each author, if applicable, and sent to DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY OF THE PUBLICATION BY AUTHOR - Colombia, stating that the work is original and that it was made without violating or usurping third party copyrights, therefore, the work is of their exclusive authorship and they hold the ownership of the same. Therefore, the work is of his exclusive authorship and he holds the ownership of the same, also it is explicitly stated that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed, which are original and were made without violating or usurping copyrights of third parties and does not contain statements against third parties or contrary to the laws of Colombia. 

FACE Magazine understands the author's consent to abide by the rules and procedures expressed in the editorial policy. In this sense, the University of Pamplona represented in the FACE Magazine will not be responsible for the concepts issued in the publications and no claim may proceed against it, making it clear that the responsibility of the writing is exclusively of its authors.

The responsibility for the preparation of the article in an appropriate form for publication (including spelling) rests with the author(s). Articles that do not meet the established standards will not be considered for publication. The authors adhere to the terms of CREATIVECOMMONS where their articles are licensed under conditions of use and reuse of the contents available to all readers under international license: Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International, which are identified in the header of the article published in the journal FACE.

With respect to the time of admission, arbitration and publication or rejection of the article, it is presented below. Admission of the scientific article begins with the presentation by the author or authors making the respective Subscription to the OJS for the registration of the scientific article in the following link: Register, it is also available to send the article to the FACE journal e-mail: attaching the article. The Editor of the FACE Journal will verify with the Anti-plagiarism software TURNINTING if the similarity exceeds 10 to 15% will be definitely rejected and will be communicated to the author(s); otherwise, the document that presents a low similarity index will pass to the assignment of double blind peer; assigned the evaluators will have a period of 4 weeks to send the observations through an evaluation format will have a maximum of 30 days from the beginning of the scientific peer review process. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to send the respective adjustments recommended in the refereeing process. The referees will have 2 weeks to confirm the application of the respective adjustments. 

The evaluated article submitted to adjustments will have a maximum of 5 days to send it again to the referees. The referee will give the final opinion of the acceptance or not of the article to the editorial committee. The author of the article is notified of the decision. Once the process for publication is approved, 7 weeks will be given to finalize the layout and registration of the article in OJS. 

The scientific articles published in the Revista FACE are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and do not express the opinion of the University of Pamplona, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, or the editors of the journal. 

  1. Authorship policy 

In the process of submitting a scientific article to the journal "FACE", it is essential that the authors meet certain contribution criteria to ensure integrity and ethics in the publication. The authors' contribution ensures that those listed as authors have actually participated significantly in the research and preparation of the article. The following are the contribution criteria that authors must meet:

  1. Conception and design of the work: Authors proposing a scientific article should have actively participated in the conception and design of the research. This includes the formulation of the research questions, the planning of the methodological approach and the selection of appropriate analytical techniques.
  2. Data acquisition and analysis: Authors must have been involved in data collection or acquisition of sources relevant to the study. In addition, they must have contributed to the analysis and interpretation of the data to obtain the results and conclusions presented in the article.
  3. Drafting or critical revision of the article: Authors must have actively participated in the drafting of the article or in the critical revision of its content. This implies the drafting or revision of the text to ensure its clarity, coherence and scientific rigor.
  4. Approval of the final version: All authors must have approved the final version of the article prior to its submission. Approval of the final version implies that the authors agree with the content, results and conclusions presented in the article.

It is important to emphasize that the contribution of each author must be substantial and significant to meet the criteria for authorship. It is not sufficient for an author to have participated in only a small part of the paper or to have provided general support for the study. All authors must have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the content of the article. 

In case an article is the result of a collaboration among several authors, the responsibility and contribution of each author should be clearly defined. Authors should communicate and coordinate to ensure that all authors are aware of the information presented in the article and agree with the postulation. 

Compliance with the contribution criteria is essential to maintain academic integrity and ethics in the editorial process. Authors should be honest and transparent about their contribution to the article and should properly acknowledge the work of other researchers by adequately citing the sources used. Failure to comply with these criteria may lead to ethical problems and may jeopardize the credibility of the article and the authors themselves. Therefore, great importance should be given to clarity in the attribution of authorship and to honesty in the presentation of a scientific article.

5.2 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) applied by FACE magazine was downloaded under the following terms:

5.2.1 Acknowledgment: you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses you or your use.

5.2.2 Non-commercial : you may not use the material for commercial purposes .

5.2.3 ShareAlike : if you do not remix, transform or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

No additional restrictions : you may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything permitted by the license.

  1. Reviewers / Peer Reviewers Commitments 

The objective and confidential review of the article, in the in-depth development of each of the sections established by the FACE Journal, requires critical analysis of the reviewers, as well as the support of their positions under theoretical guidelines and/or research results, avoiding personal conjectures. The journal employs arbitration within the "double blind" system. They must argue their observations from academic positions, always showing respect for the authors and other provisions that will be expanded later. Likewise, comply with the deadlines established by the FACE Journal for the delivery of the evaluation, as well as submit the required editorial formats. It is also necessary to inform the Editor of any news about the manuscript, either for possible similarity or ethical misconduct.

Contribution to the editorial decision: The reviewers / Peer Reviewers are responsible for elaborating a review in judgment to reflection, construction, honesty and without biasing the position of the author(s), both the scientific status and the literary nature of the document submitted to the evaluation process.

Respect of time: The reviewers agree with FACE to evaluate the documents submitted in the shortest time within the margin of custody, which the author(s) must respect the will to submit their work with a response within a reasonable time adjusted to the process mentioned above.

Referees are not allowed to present personal judgments on the submitted papers, they are also obliged to justify their evaluations in case the case is warranted, they are also obliged to communicate to the FACE Journal if the scientific article presents any similarity with any other work or has already been published or is under review for another Scientific Journal. See Referee Evaluation Form

  1. Commitments of the Editors

Publication decision: The selection of referees with expertise in the subject matter of the work submitted to the journal is guaranteed in order to issue an appraisal with low critical appraisal and possible biases. 

The articles in the process of arbitration and subsequently adjusted for their respective publication will be made on the basis of merit of the authors directly related to their content without conditioning in relation to political opinion, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality and gender. The correction or errata of an article by the publisher may generate several versions being public in the OJS system, any error identified in time will be adjusted in new versions.

The editors, the Editorial Committee and the referees have the obligation to preserve intellectual integrity and confidentiality in the editorial process, understanding that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the entire process. Conflict of interest and disclosure: the editors undertake not to use in their research the contents of the articles submitted for publication without the written consent of the author.

7.1 Policies to Mitigate Endogamy in the Scientific Journal FACE of the University of Pamplona:

The FACE Scientific Journal of the University of Pamplona recognizes the importance of promoting diversity, impartiality and excellence in the publication of research. In order to strengthen the quality and integrity of our journal, the following policies are established to mitigate editorial inbreeding:

7.1.2 Dual Participation Limitation:

In order to maintain impartiality and diversity in the authorship of articles, it is established that there will be NO proportion of publishing research papers in which at least one of the authors is an editor, member of the editorial board or reviewer. The restriction to publish institutionally by the journal FACE should not exceed two articles based on any of the last three issues published, applies to both members of the University of Pamplona and external collaborators.

7.1.3 Promotion of External Collaboration:

We encourage inter-institutional collaboration and the participation of external authors in our issues. Priority will be given to the evaluation and selection of manuscripts from different institutions and geographical regions, in order to ensure a broad and enriching perspective in the contents of the journal.

7.1.4 Independent Peer Review:

The members of the editorial board and reviewers of the Revista Científica FACE are committed to make impartial evaluations based on the scientific quality of the papers. Any bias related to the institutional affiliation of the authors will be avoided. Peer review will be rigorous and objective, guaranteeing the selection of the best papers without considering inbreeding.

7.1.5 Transparency and Disclosure:

The journal will publicly disclose statistics on the proportion of papers with authors linked to the institution and the editorial board. This transparency seeks to maintain accountability and allow for oversight and analysis of our editorial practices.

7.1.6. Editorial deconcentration:

We will continue to implement strategies that promote editorial deconcentration from an institutional and geographic focus. We will seek to broaden the diversity of perspectives and voices in our editorial processes, ensuring equitable representation and a significant contribution from different entities and regions.

Through these policies, the FACE Scientific Journal reaffirms its commitment to scientific excellence, impartiality and openness in the publication of research. These measures will strengthen the quality and relevance of our journal in academia and contribute to the advancement of knowledge for the benefit of the scientific community and society in general.