Influence of bilingualism in children of Mapuche descent diagnosed with DLD


  • Juan Alfonso Castillo Universidad del Museo Social Argentino
  • Dora Diana Luengo Universidad del Museo Social Argentino



Language disorder, bilingualism, language assessment


Language disorder is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to comprehend, express, or use language appropriately. That’s why it is of utmost importance to detect it early and initiate appropriate intervention to help improve communicative skills and reach their maximum potential, a task fulfilled by Language Schools in Chile. 

According to the National Institute of Statistics of Chile, people belonging to the mapuche culture amount to 1.745.147 individuals, constituting 10.2% of the Chilean population. Most of them reside in the Metropolitan region (31.8%), followed by the La Araucania region (14.7%) (1). Forty-four percent of the mapuche population has some degree of bilingualism due to their ability to speak their mother tongue, Mapudungun, with Spanish being the predominant language in Chile (2). This characteristic poses signiant challenges when subjecting mapuche children to language assessments conducted by professionals in the field. 

Therefore, this work aims to identify the (possible) existence of a significant difference between two groups of schoolchildren, one of them belonging to the mapuche culture.


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How to Cite

Castillo, J. A., & Luengo, D. D. (2024). Influence of bilingualism in children of Mapuche descent diagnosed with DLD. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA SIGNOS FÓNICOS, 10(2), 1–9.