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Determining risk factors in the transmission of ZIKA virus infection in the municipality of Cúcuta and its metropolitan area.


  • Jenny Fernanda Espinosa Universidad de Pamplona
  • Edwar Alfredo Jaramillo Universidad de Pamplona
  • Omar Geovanny Perez Ortiz Universidad de Pamplona



ZIKA Virus; Risk Factors; Disease Transmission


The objective of this research is to describe the determining risk factors in the transmission of ZIKA virus infection in the municipality of Cúcuta. To achieve this objective, a Base Line is established with 50 questions on the knowledge presented by families with the ZIKA Virus disease and the risk factors that favor the presence of the transmitting vector in the study area. The results allow us to determine that the vast majority of the families interviewed know about the disease caused by the ZIKA Virus and are very well aware of the risk factors that are determinant in the transmission of the disease. The presence of Aedes sp. in water storage tanks, it is a constant in the households interviewed. In the same way, the presence of garbage in the patios of the houses occurs in the vast majority of these families, as well as the sociocultural behaviors that favor the risk of contagion in the study area.


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Author Biographies

Jenny Fernanda Espinosa, Universidad de Pamplona

Semillero de Investigación en enfermedades infecciosas; Departamento de Medicina

Edwar Alfredo Jaramillo, Universidad de Pamplona

Semillero de Investigación en enfermedades infecciosas; Departamento de Medicina.

Omar Geovanny Perez Ortiz, Universidad de Pamplona

Grupo de investigación en enfermedades parasitarias, tropicales e infecciosas; Departamento de Medicina.


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How to Cite

Espinosa, J. F., Jaramillo, E. A., & Perez Ortiz, O. G. (2023). Determining risk factors in the transmission of ZIKA virus infection in the municipality of Cúcuta and its metropolitan area. BISTUA REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS BASICAS, 21(2), 1–10.


