Analysis of body composition and somatotype in university students


  • Fabian Andrés Contreras Jauregui Universidad del Atlántico
  • Yamile Aslhoy Ramírez Serna Universidad del Atlántico
  • Dimitri José Martínez Movilla Universidad del Atlántico



Body Composition, Somatotype, Folds, Indices, Diameters, perimeters


This study examined the body composition and somatotype of students enrolled in the Bachelor's program in Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports at the University of Atlántico using standardized anthropometric methods. Key variables such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density were evaluated through precise measurements of weight, height, body circumferences, and skinfolds, allowing for the calculation of indicators like the Body Mass Index (BMI). Additionally, a somatotype classification (endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy) was conducted using the Heath-Carter method. The results revealed significant differences in body composition between genders, highlighting a concerning trend towards weight-related issues in this student population. These findings provide a solid empirical basis for designing interventions aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle habits among university students.


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How to Cite

Contreras Jauregui, F. A., Ramírez Serna, Y. A., & Martínez Movilla, D. J. (2024). Analysis of body composition and somatotype in university students. ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y DESARROLLO HUMANO, 15(1), 42–57.




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