Editorial Policy
To ensure the quality and integrity of published articles, the Journal of Social Science Research & Praxis has established a rigorous editorial process. Authors interested in submitting their papers to the journal should keep in mind the following:
1. Submission of the article and letter of originality: Authors must submit their articles through the Journal's OJS platform, available in https://ojs.unipamplona.edu.co/index.php/ripcs/index, attaching a letter of originality stating that the manuscript submitted has been approved by all authors.
2. Language and quality of the document: Documents submitted for publication must be written in Spanish or English and must be communicable in terms of coherence, cohesion, clarity, conciseness, relevance and centrality. 3. Review and evaluation: The receipt of an article does not guarantee its immediate publication. Before being considered for publication, each article will undergo a review and evaluation process that can take between six and twelve weeks, depending on the demand and editorial flow of the journal.
4. Review by the Editorial Team: The Editorial Team will review the article to verify compliance with the rules for authors of the journal. If the article does not comply with these standards, it will be returned to the authors. In addition, a similarity analysis will be carried out using specialized software. If a significant match is found, the item will be rejected. 5. Peer review: If the article passes the review of the Editorial Team, it will be sent for evaluation by at least two expert reviewers in the subject of the article, under the double-blind review model. These reviewers will issue observations on the originality and quality of the work, using predefined criteria: approved, approved with changes or rejected.
6. Modifications suggested by peers: In case the reviewers suggest changes (approved with changes), the Editor will notify the authors and give them a deadline to send the corrected article, along with a document that responds to each of the observations made by the peers. The Editorial Committee will evaluate the proposed corrections and, if necessary, the article will be returned to the authors for review. If the peers reject the article, it cannot be submitted back to the journal, unless approved by the Editor after a claim process according to established policies. 7. Style correction and layout: The approved articles will be subjected to a style correction and layout process. The final diagrammed version will be sent to the author for approval or for further comments. Once the modifications suggested by the authors are applied, if any, the article will be assigned to an issue of the journal according to their schedule.
8. The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to publish works that do not meet the established conditions or that do not incorporate the corrections suggested by the evaluators within the established period. In addition, once the manuscript has been submitted for evaluation, the inclusion or exclusion of authors will not be allowed.