Identification of faults in mechanical petroleum pumping systems using neuro fuzzy


  • Jorge Enrique Meneses Flórez Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS)
  • Fredy A. Garavito Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS)
  • Edxon Meneses Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS)



Dynagrams, sucker-rod pumping, neurofuzzy


In mechanical oil pumping, to minimize operating costs and maximize production, it is essential to identify problems quickly and accurately. The downhole dynagram is decisive in analyzing the working conditions of the pumping system, and normally the fault diagnosis has been based on the visual interpretation of its shape by a human expert. An architecture (NeFSuckerRod) is presented for the automatic diagnosis of the dynagram, based on a NeuroFuzzy system, which allows to identify faults and dispense with the human expert. By combining the learning power of artificial neural networks and the explicit representation of fuzzy logic knowledge and presenting a set of dynamometric charts with different faults, the NeuroFuzzy system is trained obtaining a fuzzy model capableof diagnosing faults in a system of pumping.


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2021-07-13 — Updated on 2021-02-14


How to Cite

Meneses Flórez , J. E., Garavito, F. A., & Meneses , E. (2021). Identification of faults in mechanical petroleum pumping systems using neuro fuzzy. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(37), 10–22. (Original work published July 13, 2021)

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