IoT and 4.0 technologies for traceability and food safety in cocoa




traceability, food safety, IoT, cocoa industry, agricultural technology


This research ensures traceability and food safety throughout the cocoa agro-industrial process, from seed selection to commercialization. A traceability system was developed using Laravel, a web application, and a REST API for management and commercialization, along with an IoT device equipped with sensors (Raspberry Pi) to monitor fermentation, complying with the NTC 1252 standard. The project, conducted in Tierralta, Córdoba, involved three phases: characterization of producers' needs, system development, and testing with training. Additionally, an interactive timeline was implemented using Next.js to visualize processes. This solution improves product quality, optimizes resources, and generates key data for future decision-making, enabling the systematization and standardization of processes, as well as the identification of strengths and weaknesses across the cocoa production chain.


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How to Cite

J. Gómez Gómez, C. A. Parra Urueta, and J. J. Guzmán Pineda, “IoT and 4.0 technologies for traceability and food safety in cocoa”, RCTA, vol. 1, no. 45, pp. 204–215, Jan. 2025.