Design and Simulation of a Fixed-wing Zagi-type UAS for the Colombian Air Force




zagi wing design, remotely piloted aircraft, fixed wing, flight plan


This study presents the design process of a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), specifically a Zagi-type wing, for the Center for Research and Technological Development of Aeronautical Innovation (CETIA), a research center of the Colombian Air Force (FAC). The FAC recognized the need to develop its own UAS tailored to the organization’s specific requirements at a time when the demand for these devices is increasing in Colombian airspace. The study begins with defining the initial specifications, selecting the electronic components related to these specifications, calculating the current consumption (A) at cruising speed and battery capacity, progressing towards the design of the fuselage, and finally selecting the aerodynamic profile of the wing and tail for Bogota’s conditions, validating the selection through CFD simulation. The research aims to address CETIA’s unique operational needs within the evolving UAS landscape. 


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How to Cite

G. M. Ardila Marulanda, “Design and Simulation of a Fixed-wing Zagi-type UAS for the Colombian Air Force ”, RCTA, vol. 1, no. 45, pp. 91–103, Jan. 2025.