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YOLO architectures comparison for urban cyclist detection in an autonomous driving environment




Yolo, VRU, deep learning, cyclists' detection, autonomous vehicle


The World Health Organization (WHO) states that over 55% of road traffic accident fatalities involve vulnerable road users, including 3% who are cyclists. While autonomous vehicles are capable of detecting objects and individuals on roadways, the detection of cyclists and the prediction of their movements continue to pose significant challenges. This paper presents results from the comparison of YOLOv7, YOLOv8, and YOLO-NAS architectures for urban cyclist detection. The methodology ensures that the detectors were trained under the same conditions. Subsequently, they were evaluated using 111 cyclist images with metrics such as IoU, precision, and recall. The results highlight advantages and disadvantages within each architecture, suggesting a priority for either inference time or the quality of cyclist detection in future work.


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2024-03-13 — Updated on 2024-03-13


How to Cite

David Rodríguez, J. A., Ortiz Santana, P. A., Quintero Restrepo, M., Gómez Meneses, L. M., & Arias-Correa, M. (2024). YOLO architectures comparison for urban cyclist detection in an autonomous driving environment. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(43), 64–72.