Research perspectives on learning environments in the 21st century: a view from a transborder region




Educational innovation, learning environments, research ideas, transborder region


The current study is based on theoretical sampling and comparative analysis of grounded theory. The text focuses on the significance of learning and skills for the 21st century and educational innovation in a cross-border context. A weak research culture and low research competencies in the academic context are recognized, but the need to develop research skills is highlighted. Research culture is related to basic knowledge, while academic competencies are associated with critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication, and collaboration, in correspondence with character qualities. The training of educational personnel in knowledge management is emphasized and the importance of global education, lifelong learning and knowledge management in educational innovation is highlighted. The relevance of digital solutions in education, higher education in transition, emerging learning environments and educational leadership in the context of future skills and digitization in education is highlighted. Finally, research trends that leverage educational innovation processes in the 21st century with the support of learning environments from the perspective of a transborder region are presented.


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2023-12-28 — Updated on 2023-12-28


How to Cite

Bravo Valero, A. J., Nieto Sánchez, Z. C., Cristancho, J. A., & Useche Cogollo, L. T. (2023). Research perspectives on learning environments in the 21st century: a view from a transborder region. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(42), 150–157.

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