Model Driven Engineering tool aimed at the generation of Smart Contracts for the Ethereum Blockchain platform




Blockchain, Ethereum, MDE, Smart Contract, Solidity


Blockchain technology is growing at a rapid pace in different environments. Smart contracts (SC) are immutable decentralized programs for Blockchain platforms that enforce, monitor and execute agreements, without the intervention of a trusted third party. But, due to their specificities, their development is a complicated process, as there are architectural concerns of each platform, which developers must understand. In this paper, we present a Model Driven Engineering tool intended for the generation of SC for the Ethereum Blockchain platform, for the Solidity programming language. This tool is composed of a Platform Specific Metamodel and a Model to Text Transformation, which allow generating the source code of the SCs. Also, we present a proof of concept where we generate and implement a metamodel, a model and deploy SC in a healthcare environment. The results are satisfactory in terms of the syntax of the generated SCs.


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Author Biographies

Edgar Roberto Dulce Villarreal, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Master's degree, Doctoral candidate, University of Cauca.

Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, Universidad del Cauca

Doctor in Science, with a specialization in Computer Science.

Eduard Antonio Mantilla Torres, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Master's in Security, Expertise, and Audit in Computer Processes.

Yenny Stella Núñez Álvarez, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Specialization in Computer Security, Master's in Cybersecurity.

José Manuel García Alonso, Universidad de Extremadura

Doctor in Information Technologies.


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2024-02-21 — Updated on 2024-02-21

How to Cite

Dulce Villarreal, E. R., Hurtado Alegría, J. A., Mantilla Torres, E. A., Núñez Álvarez, Y. S., & García Alonso, J. M. (2024). Model Driven Engineering tool aimed at the generation of Smart Contracts for the Ethereum Blockchain platform. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(43), 1–8.

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