Comparison of the calculation models for the downhole dynamometer card




dynagraph, wave equation, mechanical pumping, smart well


The oil industry has developed the " smart well " concept to optimize production and reduce operational risk through automation. In mechanical pumping systems, it is possible to obtain in real time the "downhole dynagraph " to diagnose the system. This is achieved by using the instantaneous force and position values measured at the surface and processing them through a mathematical model called "wave equation", which represents the behavior of the rod string connecting the bottom to the surface.  The accuracy of the downhole dynagraph obtained and, therefore, the certainty of the diagnoses made from it, depend on the wave equation model used.  In this article, we compare the effectiveness of three mathematical models (Gibbs, Barreto Filho and Everitt) for the wave equation and by means of their solution obtain the downhole dynagraph in real conditions. The study was carried out using Python on a PC platform, evaluating the results in terms of computational performance and accuracy in detecting common operational faults.


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2023-07-28 — Updated on 2023-05-12


How to Cite

Meneses Florez, J. E., Carreño Pérez, A. X., & Pinto López, S. (2023). Comparison of the calculation models for the downhole dynamometer card. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(41), 58–65. (Original work published July 28, 2023)

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