Application of neural networks for the classification of blood pressure levels in patients from Ocaña – North of Santander




Model, Neuron, Level, Network, Voltage


The objective of this research is to model the behavior of blood pressure taking into account two factors such as age and gender in patients from the city of Ocaña - Norte de Santander. For the development of the project, the fundamental stages of data analysis are taken into account: adaptation of the database, exploratory analysis, verification of artificial intelligence models with classifying neural networks; the nature of the research is exploratory with a quantitative approach and non-experimental design. Various neural network models with different numbers of hidden layers and number of neurons were tested; it was found that the model with the highest precision was with two hidden layers of 100 neurons each, which achieved an accuracy of 87%. In conclusion, it was possible to determine a model of neural networks that, with the characteristics of gender and age, plus diastolic and systolic pressure, can classify the patient in the levels hypotension, hypertension, normal, optimal, systolic hypertension or detect any abnormality.


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2023-07-28 — Updated on 2023-05-09


How to Cite

Sánchez Mojica, K. Y., Fernández Gualdron, A., Suarez Gutierrez, E., & Neira Díaz, J. A. (2023). Application of neural networks for the classification of blood pressure levels in patients from Ocaña – North of Santander. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(41), 36–41. (Original work published July 28, 2023)

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