Control and supervision system of temperature and relative humidity in a fermentation chamber




Control, Relative Humidity, Supervision, Temperature


This document shows the design and implementation of a system that allows controlling and supervising temperature and relative humidity variables in a fermentation chamber for the company Yemaya Praia S.A.S., for which it was necessary to carry out an evaluation of the current state of the equipment. The development was carried out in the following phases: collection and analysis of information, design and implementation of the control and supervision system, commissioning and adjustments of the system. Forsupervision and control of the chamber, Sitrad software is used, which configures, stores and modifies operating parameters in real time, also remotely via the Internet. Among the results obtained, it is important to highlight that through control and supervision, products with excellent quality are guaranteed, allowing the growth of the industry, as well as continuous improvement in the processes carried out within it, reducing losses of products in process.


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2023-05-02 — Updated on 2022-07-25


How to Cite

Ariza Ariza, C. A., Martínez Baquero, J. E., Agudelo Varela, O., Rodríguez Umaña, L. A., & Beltrán Gutierrez, O. Y. (2022). Control and supervision system of temperature and relative humidity in a fermentation chamber. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(40), 142–151. (Original work published May 2, 2023)

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