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IoT prototype to monitor determining agro-environmental variables in the productivity of agricultural farms




IoT, Prototype, Physical variables, connectivity, agri-environmental


(IoT) is the acronym that describes “Internet Of Things” commonly called internet of things, it is an expression used to describe the need to connect all things (physical objects) to the internet network becoming a fundamental part for the development of ICT. The purpose of the research was to implement an IoT prototype to monitor essential agro-environmental variables in the productivity of agricultural farms. The methodological development was based on the evolutionary prototype whose objective is to develop a fast prototype to test, provide feedback and subsequently make improvements until getting better of it. The methodological phases were: identification of requirements and technical specifications, planning and design, elaboration of the prototype, tests and adjustments. The results of the research demonstrated the possibility of monitoring in real time the agro-environmental variables identified from anywhere where there is connectivity, the identification of technical, technological and network connection requirements of agricultural systems based on situational studies in the area. The development of the project demonstrated the feasibility and relevance of the application of IoT technologies in each of the processes for improving agricultural productivity.


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2022-08-12 — Updated on 2022-02-02


How to Cite

Arango Trillos, J. E., Ramírez Orellano, L. O., Navarro Pino, D., & Rincón Pinzón, M. A. (2022). IoT prototype to monitor determining agro-environmental variables in the productivity of agricultural farms. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(39), 134–140. (Original work published August 12, 2022)

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