Impact of smoothing filters on computer-aided diagnostic tools




Medical Image Processing, smoothing filters, skin lesions, correlation


Image processing in the biomedical field refers to the initial stage aimed at improving image quality by removing irrelevant noise and unwanted sections in the image background. This paper evaluates the incidence of smoothing filters (bilateral edge-preserving filter, median filter and Gaussian filter) in digital processing of dermoscopic medical images in support of computer-aided diagnosis tools. The method was tested with images from the HAM10000 Dataset, composed of images of pigmented skin lesions. Open source tools such as Python language and the specialized computer vision library OpenCV were used for digital processing. Validation was performed by the correlation method between the original grayscale image and the image filtered by each of the smoothing filters, obtaining a percentage mean change ratio of 99.460 % for the bilateral filter, 99.396 % for the Gaussian filter, and 99.335 % for the median filter.


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2022-07-28 — Updated on 2022-02-02


How to Cite

Castro Casadiego, S. A., Castellano Carvajal, D. A., Niño Rondón, C. V., Medina Delgado, B., Guevara Ibarra, D., & Posada Haddad, M. E. (2022). Impact of smoothing filters on computer-aided diagnostic tools. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(39), 59–65. (Original work published July 28, 2022)