Ethics and Education: an Alternative Vision from Critical Pedagogy


  • Jhonny Alexander Pacheco Ballén Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencia y Tecnología. Panama



Critical education, globalization, ethics, critical pedagogy


This article analyzes the relationship between education and ethics in the context of globalization, where ethics seems to have been subordinated to productive activity. Based on the analysis of the foundations of critical pedagogy, an alternative vision is proposed that recovers the centrality of ethics in education. Through the review of key authors in the critical tradition, new perspectives are presented that challenge the instrumental logic of current education subjected to the mandates of postmodernity and globalization, advocating for a more humanistic approach and conscious of its ethical dimension in order to to propose other possible futures.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Ballén, J. A. (2024). Ethics and Education: an Alternative Vision from Critical Pedagogy. CONOCIMIENTO, INVESTIGACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN CIE, 2(19).