Educational strategy to contribute to early childhood development, based on leading activities


  • Mónica Marcela Quintero Trujillo Fundación Universitaria de San Gil
  • Sandra Milena Neira Camacho Fundación Universitaria de San Gil
  • Graciela Olarte Rueda Fundación Universitaria de San Gil



education, children, parents, promotion, development


Introduction: the years of early childhood are essential for the development of children. Everything that the infant touches, sees, tastes, hears, smells, favors his ability to think and learn, making his parents responsible for his care, seeking protection, education, and health monitoring management to supervise that his growth and are developmentally commensurate with their age. Objective: Develop an educational strategy aimed at parents to contribute to the early childhood development of children in the Guanentina Province in the face of the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. Methodology: the study was conducted in two phases: one diagnostic, one descriptivecross-sectional study that prolongs the growth and development of children with ages in early childhood and the assessment of anthropometric parameters. The intervention phase, with the contrast of an educational strategy, aimed at parents. It was developed in nine randomly selected municipalities of Santander, including 143 children. The results were conducted the characterization of the child population, the physiological conditions and the physical assessment and the alterations in growth and development were determined, an educational strategy (booklet) was also built. Conclusions: the contribution that capacities from nursing and education can be provided to parents and families of children in early childhood with the creation of strategies focused on their abilities and to enhance them will be fundamental in the integral development of boys and girls.


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How to Cite

Quintero Trujillo , M. M., Neira Camacho , S. M., & Olarte Rueda , G. (2024). Educational strategy to contribute to early childhood development, based on leading activities. Basic Health Sciencies Journal, 2(1), 1–18.



Research Articles