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  • Sergio Alejandro Quijano Duarte Fundación Universitaria María Cano
  • Magda Lorena Suarez Avendaño Universidad de Pamplona
  • Aura Marina Mogollón Contreras Universidad de Pamplona
  • Florencio Arias Coronel Universidad Santiago de Cali



Aged, Activities of Daily Living, Walking Speed


Background: The assessment of the functional capacity of the older adult is paramount for the comprehensive evaluation in geriatrics, as it is essential to guide the work of health personnel related to the care of the elderly.

General objective: Assess functional capacity in non-institutionalized older adults

Method: Descriptive study. A total of 84 non-institutionalized older adults from the city of Pamplona participated, with an average age of 74,93 years. Functional capacity was evaluated by means of the 4-meter gait speed test.

Results: There was a predominance of women 60.7%, the majority are single with 46,4%, according to the socioeconomic stratum a greater number of subjects are of stratum one 94,0%, the average gait speed was 0,95 m/s, a result similar to other studies in Colombia. It was found in the 4-meter gait test that 28,6% were classified as frail. The condition of frailty prevails in the female sex 15,48%, in single people with 14,29% and low socioeconomic stratum 14,29%.

Conclusions: This study provides a description of the functional status of the older adult, which creates an opportunity to implement actions by the health professional to improve their independence.


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