Strengthening Ethical and Civic Values through Film Forums: The Case of the cristo Rey Neighborhood




Ethics, citizenship, cinema forum, dialogue, participation, community, values, coexistence, reflection, civic action


This social intervention project delves into the impact of cine foro, a community film discussion forum, on fostering ethical and civic awareness among residents of the Cristo Rey neighborhood. Employing a qualitative methodology grounded in action research, the study implemented a series of cine foros as spaces for dialogue and community engagement. The primary objective was to establish spaces that encouraged the development of intergenerational dialogue and actions, fostering a recreational and inclusive environment for learning about ethical consciousness and active citizenship. The findings revealed that cine foro emerged as an effective tool for strengthening the community's ethical and civic awareness. Through the medium of cinema, participants engaged in reflections on values such as understanding, respect, and harmonious treatment of others. These spaces of dialogue and interaction fostered connections among residents, promoting the strengthening of ethical awareness and the development of active citizenship.


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How to Cite

Bautista Esteban, E. Y. (2024). Strengthening Ethical and Civic Values through Film Forums: The Case of the cristo Rey Neighborhood . Revista Investigación & Praxis En CS Sociales, 3(2), 1–18.


