Focus hardware in the loop simulation for practices in industrial process control


  • Brenda Natalia Rosero Londoño Universidad del Cauca
  • Andrés Felipe Gonzales Ordoñez Universidad del Cauca
  • Juan Fernando Flórez Marulanda Universidad del Cauca



Hardware in the Loop, Systems simulation, Control of industrial processes, Interactive tools, virtual and remote laboratories


An approach of laboratory practices in control of industrial processes with two phases is presented:a virtual plant using Hardware in the Loop Simulation environment and the real plant. For the designingof the environment,a five-stage method is applied: plant selection, definition of requirements, selection, implementation and evaluation of the virtual plant. It is evaluated in an Amatrollevel-flow plant, designing three practicesrealizedon the real environment, the virtual one and both; evaluating the degrees of plant diagrams, instrumentation, control logic, control valve and communications. A score of 77.90% was achieved in the test conducted with the proposed approach, with a margin 10% in relation to individual practices.


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2021-04-13 — Updated on 2020-08-14


How to Cite

Rosero Londoño, B. N., Gonzales Ordoñez, A. F., & Flórez Marulanda, J. F. (2020). Focus hardware in the loop simulation for practices in industrial process control. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 3(2), 103–112. (Original work published April 13, 2021)


