Spectral analysis of electromagnetic emissions from partial discharges in environments with obstacles
UHF measurement, metallic obstacles, electromagnetic interference (EMI), partial discharges (PD), electromagnetic emissions (EM)Abstract
The detection of partial discharges (PD) in electrical equipment is essential for assessing the condition of insulation systems. Among existing methods, the measurement of UHF emissions from PD using antennas stands out, as it enables diagnostics in energized installations without requiring a galvanic connection between the sensor and the equipment. This technique offers significant advantages over more traditional methods; however, it is not without challenges. The presence of obstacles in the measurement environment can create destructive and constructive interference by reflecting or diffracting the UHF emissions. These interferences may impact the insulation condition diagnosis, complicate the localization of emission sources, and hinder the identification of the type of PD. This article presents the results of a series of experiments that characterize the effect of various obstacle configurations on the signal recorded by a Vivaldi antenna. The findings identify frequency bands whose amplitude is altered due to constructive interference from waves reflected by the obstacles, providing valuable information to optimize measurements and improve accuracy in PD diagnostics.
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