Comparison of phonendoscopic signal reconstruction techniques for pattern analysis cardiac acoustics




PCA (Principal Component Analysis), Fourier Transform, Heart Sounds, Phonocardiographic Signals, Digital signal processing


This study evaluates the effectiveness of different techniques of statistical reconstruction of phonocardiographic signals in comparison with classical processing techniques. The problem statement addresses the stadistical signal reconstruction limitations and the advantages of statistical signal reconstruction techniques. The aim is to determine the precision and classic usefulness of these techniques in term of the signal clarity using the SNR and CF, as well as how to explore its potential for broader integration into clinical practice. The methodology includes a comparative analysis of the reconstructed data using statistical techniques and processed using relevant processing techniques, focusing on signal clarity of the signal and the feasibility of its implementation. The results show a SNR in PCA 17.41 dB compared to the mean SNR in traditional techniques 0.575 dB & a mean CF in PCA 10.948 mV compared to CF average in traditional techniques 10,880 mV, can offer improvements in signal clarity, with advantages in term of cost and accessibility. The conclusions suggest that, the statistical reconstruction techniques have the potential to improve signal quality when combined with other processing techniques. This study provides a critical on the applicability of statistical reconstruction techniques of phonocardiographic signals and their role in improving cardiovascular care.


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How to Cite

G. F. Rojas Arango and A. C. Corredor Bedoya, “Comparison of phonendoscopic signal reconstruction techniques for pattern analysis cardiac acoustics”, RCTA, vol. 1, no. 45, pp. 112–124, Jan. 2025.