Computer-aided engineering: an innovative methodology for the design of agricultural tools for family farming




Design optimization, Design methodology, Finite elements, Additive manufacturing


In this study, a manual agricultural tool was optimized using computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and finite element analysis (FEA) technologies, which were carried out in different complementary design stages. The process began with an existing physical prototype, which, through reverse engineering processes, generated a detailed and scaled CAD model with functional design specifications. Subsequently, a low-cost additive manufacturing process (3D printing) was used to create a functional prototype from the previous CAD model. To estimate the mechanical performance and durability of the tool prototype, a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was performed, simulating the loads it would be subjected to during use. The results obtained through the FEA simulation provided an optimal design for the tool and validated its performance. The tool prototype optimized by these FEA processes was again subjected to 3D printing to generate a functional model for the manufacturing of the agricultural tool through sand casting processes. The tools manufactured in the casting processes were used in conventional agricultural activities, closing the design cycle established in this study. It is concluded that the innovative approach, which combined the stages of computational design and additive manufacturing, offered multiple advantages due to the rapid and economical design iterations before constructing the first tool by casting. Additionally, it facilitated the optimization of the geometry, size, and weight of the tool prototype, considering ergonomic aspects and performance in the projected agricultural activities. Finally, the implemented methodology is viable for the creation of new agricultural tools, avoiding additional high-cost manufacturing processes, such as chip removal machining or mold manufacturing for forging or stamping processes, optimizing the design cost.


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How to Cite

J. M. Montoya Fernández, G. L. García Monsalve, M. Arango Correa, and S. Parada Duque, “Computer-aided engineering: an innovative methodology for the design of agricultural tools for family farming”, RCTA, vol. 1, no. 45, pp. 125–136, Jan. 2025.