Development of a mobile application to promote tourism in Norte de Santander integrating augmented reality




tourism, 3D tourist guide, augmented reality


The department of Norte de Santander has faced significant challenges in recent years, with the Covid-19 pandemic heavily impacting the tourism industry. In 2022, it ranked 15th out of 32 departments in the tourism competitiveness index. This project developed a mobile application called Turistear, aiming to promote tourism in the region through a 3D tourist guide with augmented reality. Using the design thinking methodology, focused on solving complex problems through creativity and empathy with the end user, the app gathers information from the main tourist sites, providing 3D representations and relevant information. Unity was used as the core program, integrated with AR Foundation for augmented reality, contributing to the tourism dynamics and cultural exchange in Norte de Santander.


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How to Cite

Gómez Galvis, F. G., Gallardo Figueroa, E. M., Toro Gutiérrez, D. F., & Echeverri Valderrama, D. D. (2024). Development of a mobile application to promote tourism in Norte de Santander integrating augmented reality. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(44), 153–159.