Comparative technical study of topographic surveys in mountainous areas carried out with total station, GNSS equipment, and non-specialized UAV with and without control point support
drone surveying, altimetry topographic survey, contour lines, digital elevation model "MDE", real-time kinematic "RTK"Abstract
This study compares three commonly used topographic technologies for mapping mountainous terrain: total station, GNSS equipment, and non-specialized UAV (with and without control points). The comparison considered chronological and technical criteria to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each technology. The study found that GNSS antennas, when they have optimal satellite reception and communication between the base and rover, offer the best performance compared to the other survey methods. They achieved accuracy similar to that of a total station, with considerably shorter execution times. Another finding was that the data collected with a UAV using control points allowed for a geomorphological description of the area but with significantly lower accuracy than the other technologies. These results emphasize the importance of performing a high densification of control points to achieve greater accuracy, even if it means increasing the required fieldwork time.
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