Pattern for identifying the deployment points of artificial intelligence algorithms on the internet of things (IoT)




Internet of Things, Architectural Pattern, Web of Things, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence


When developing IoT solutions, limitations in hardware and software capabilities arise. Additionally, the developer must choose the location within the ecosystem that best suits the development needs, having three possible processing locations: the network edge, the fog, and the cloud. This article proposes an architectural pattern that guides the selection of deployment point for AI algorithm-based applications based on the needs of the developed technological solution. The pattern was obtained using the Pratt's Iterative Research Pattern as a methodology. A real-world example was used, and the proposed step-by-step approach was applied to demonstrate the pattern's usefulness. It was concluded that the selection of processing location should consider the end-user needs and any limitations that may arise.


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How to Cite

Romero Parra, C. E., Cobos Lozada, C. A., & Niño Zambrano, M. A. (2024). Pattern for identifying the deployment points of artificial intelligence algorithms on the internet of things (IoT). COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(43), 144–154.

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