Development and implementation of a remote monitoring unit for cathodic protection applications




CBOR, Modbus, MQTT, IoT, Microcontrollers, Rectifier units, Cathodic protection, Corrosion


This document presents the development of a Remote Monitoring System (RMS) for the monitoring and control of cathodic protection rectifier units (CPRUs). It also outlines the developmental stages from conception, implementation, laboratory validation, to industrial deployment. This system is based on an IoT network composed of hardware equipment responsible for acquiring input and output variables of CPRU operation (Remote Monitoring Units - RMUs), transmission of collected data via MQTT, and a web platform with complementary services for data acquisition and management of monitored assets.


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How to Cite

S. A. Pinzón Gomez, G. A. Acevedo Hernandez, J. C. León Quiñonez, and M. C. Granados Giraldo, “Development and implementation of a remote monitoring unit for cathodic protection applications”, RCTA, vol. 2, no. 44, pp. 55–64, Jul. 2024.