Mobile network construction with NSA technology and QoE analysis for Video Streaming service




Quality of Experience, Mobile network, SDN, SDR, Video streaming


The exponential growth of data traffic has put pressure on existing mobile network infrastructures, which are challenged to provide a satisfactory user experience. Therefore, this paper addresses the construction of a mobile network using open source technology such as Mosaic5G and the analysis of objective quality of experience (QoE) metrics of a videostreaming service. During the process, a server and client were set up for video streaming, SIM cards were programmed for network access, and the FFmpeg tool was used to obtain objective QoE metrics. The results revealed the robustness of open source technologies in building functional mobile networks and their ability to provide good QoE for the most demanded and bandwidth-intensive service using H.264 and H.265 video encoders.


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How to Cite

Arcila Pineda , C. T., Martinez Ardila, S., Monedero Ortiz, D. A., & Campo Muñoz, W. Y. (2024). Mobile network construction with NSA technology and QoE analysis for Video Streaming service. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(44), 1–11.

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