Characterization of mixtures of natural polymeric materials for encapsulation, by spray drying
sodium alginate, native cassava starch, oatmeal, encapsulating material, spray dryingAbstract
Background: The characterization of the encapsulating materials to be used in the encapsulation is very important to obtain adequate results and maintain the characteristics of the materials to be encapsulated when subjected to spray drying. Objectives: The objective of this research was to characterize a mixture of natural polymers as an encapsulating material to be used in spray-drying equipment, © Vibrasec brand. Methods: The experimental part was carried out in the facilities of the Engineering Laboratory, University of Córdoba, Montería, Colombia. The physicochemical characterization of the encapsulating material (native cassava starch, oatmeal and sodium alginate) was carried out: granulometric analysis, glass temperature, suspension analysis: pH, acidity, moisture content, apparent density and apparent viscosity, was evaluated. the gelatinization temperature at different concentrations (3.5 and 7%) and temperatures (27, 60 and 90 °C) in order to determine the appropriate temperatures and solid concentrations of the encapsulating material in mixture to prepare the suspensions that meet the drying equipment restrictions (700 mPas) © Vibrasec. Results: The results indicated that sodium alginate should be worked at a maximum of 2% solids concentration and a temperature of 85 °C, while oatmeal (7%) and native cassava starch (10%) should be worked at a temperature of 60°C. In the preparation of the solutions of the mixtures of the encapsulating material, it was established that the maximum concentration of the mixtures should be 12% to obtain a good homogenization of the mixtures and a viscosity (700 mPas) within the restriction of use of the equipment. drying © Vibrasec. Conclusions: It was possible to characterize the encapsulating material made up of oatmeal, sodium alginate and native cassava starch, establishing the appropriate conditions to be subjected to spray drying in the Marca © Vibrasec equipment.
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