Modeling by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) of hydrogen production in a membraneless electrolyzer




Hydrogen, Response Surface, Modeling, Electrolyzer


In the present work, hydrogen production in a membrane-less electrolizer is modeled for KOH, NaCl and NaHCO3 solutions with different concentrations, using Responce Surface Methodology (RSM). It was found that the H2 flux can be explained as a function of the logarithm of the delivered power and the electrolyte concentration, with a fit better that 95% according to the linear regression models proposed from data obtained with a potentio-dynamic experimental desing for each type of electrolyte. In addition, a superior performance of 1M KOH was found, producing 22 cm3 standard per minute (sccm) at 18W.


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2023-05-02 — Updated on 2022-07-18


How to Cite

Muñoz León, M. A., Quintero, E. G., & Sánchez Londoño , H. D. (2022). Modeling by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) of hydrogen production in a membraneless electrolyzer. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 2(40), 87–94. (Original work published May 2, 2023)

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