Work breakdown structures (WBS) in the scope management of software development projects




Breakdown Structure of Work, PMBOK, PRINCE 2, software development, agile methodologies


The WBS and the WBS dictionary form the baseline of the project's scope and have a hierarchical structure that represents the work to be carried out on the deliverables or tangible results, each of these can be assigned to a specific worker; likewise, it is the input for the development of the schedule. WBS in software projects have clearly demonstrated that this technique can be applied efficiently benefiting project management. As a result of the research, the EDT model is proposed for the Scrum, XP, Scrum / XP, Crystal and Kanban software development methodologies as a tool for IT project managers.


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2022-01-28 — Updated on 2022-01-28

How to Cite

M. D. P. Rojas Puentes, C. J. Parada, and J. L. Leal Pabón, “Work breakdown structures (WBS) in the scope management of software development projects”, RCTA, vol. 1, no. 39, pp. 51–58, Jan. 2022.