Desing and construction of a robotics platform for formation control and task distribution




Mobile robots, formation control, position control, computer vision


The paper describes the design and construction of a robotic platform to test algorithms that allows formation control of multi robots and task distribution. First, the locomotion system and mobile robot sensors are selected. Moreover, the computer vision system to feedback the robot’s position is described. Then, the design of wheel speed control for each one and the selection of the distribution strategy of the mobile robots are presented. Finally, the results obtained for 2 types of formation robots are presented.


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2022-07-28 — Updated on 2022-02-02


How to Cite

Leon Cardona, D. F., Gonzalez Acuña, H., & Forero Gonzalez , C. (2022). Desing and construction of a robotics platform for formation control and task distribution. COLOMBIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 1(39), 37–43. (Original work published July 28, 2022)