Psychopedagogical Approach on the Reading Comprehension of Chávez-Zamora in Secondary Education Students
production, textual typology, competence, communication, strategiesAbstract
The purpose of the research was to analyze the incidence of José Chávez Zamora's psychopedagogical approach to reading comprehension as a strategy for the development of understanding and interpretation of texts. The research focus was qualitative research, under the participatory action-research model, the key informants were twenty (20) eleventh-grade students from Colegio Pablo VI de Valledupar. The results obtained were evidenced by reading-creative strategies in an interactive context of dialogues and group discussions that promoted "guided learning" to stimulate metacognitive skills. Concluding that through the intervention of the investigation, a significant improvement in the processes of interpretation and textual comprehension by the students can be appreciated
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